Coffee review

How to play the drip method of Japanese coffee? Coffee extracted by Japanese drip method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie coffee briefly describes the Japanese style drip method, as the name implies is in the form of dripping to brew, just like an hourglass, drip by drop in the coffee powder, very time-consuming! But from a visual point of view, it is very beautiful and has a sense of rhythm. Use it first.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

A brief introduction to the Japanese style of coffee

Dripping method, as the name implies, is to use the form of dripping water to brew, just like hourglass, drop by drop in the coffee powder, very time-consuming! But from the visual point of view is very beautiful, and very rhythmic, first water concentrated little by little pre-soak wet coffee powder, when almost 1/3 of the drop, you can start water injection, when the coffee powder water level to the top can stop, when the water level drops to half, water injection again.

This Japanese-style method of coffee taste can make coffee beans sweet highlight, avoid sour, bitter mixed taste. It requires a very steady grip and patience, so to speak, it removes all the sour taste of coffee and hands it over to you.

This technique is very biased towards the type of deep-baked beans, most of which are used for flannel. The method of using short drops of water and adjusting the angle of flannel filter to steam and extract wet powder is usually unsegmented. Simply speaking, it is to move ice drops to the hand wash. Combined with the variability of flannel that can adjust the angle, and the way of extracting hand wash, it achieves a thick taste effect. Usually 5 - 10 minutes, but now many players will also choose KONO filter cup.

Drop method is also called essence extraction: drop type water flow is weak, as little as possible to destroy the coffee powder layer, reduce convection, increase the soaking time, this Japanese method to make coffee alcohol high, sweet, rich smooth, distinct texture.

Because the water of the hand-washed pot needs to be dropped one drop by one, it is suitable to choose a flat-type wide-mouth pot or a wide-mouth crane-mouth pot. The advantage of this type of hand-washed pot is that the thickness of the water flow is highly controllable, and it is more suitable for dripping water. With the conical filter cup, its ribs stop less than half of the height of the filter cup. This design makes the filter paper fully adhere to the cup wall after absorbing water. The exhaust space is greatly limited. This method is more suitable for medium or deep roasted coffee beans.

The first time I tried the drip method, I felt that the drip method really tempered a person's stability and patience, but the beauty of the drip method was that it could make the sweetness of the coffee beans stand out and avoid sour and bitter tastes.