Coffee review

What do you need to prepare for the cup test? what equipment do you need for the coffee cup test?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style equipment everything you need to succeed. Coffee (of course) you only need a little coffee (about 25 grams). The cup test works best as a taste exercise when you have all kinds of coffee to compare. There are at least two cups of coffee around, but preferably 3-

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style

Equipment-everything you need to succeed.

Coffee (of course)

All you need is a little coffee (about 25 grams). The cup test works best as a taste exercise when you have all kinds of coffee to compare. Have at least two cups of coffee with you, but preferably 3-5 cups.


Just like making wine, you have to grind the consistency when testing the cup. A high-quality burr grinder will have a huge impact on the quality of your cup, and if you are willing to make some effort, you can get something good at a relatively low cost.


We have discussed the importance of water quality before, and there is no difference between testing coffee and brewing coffee in this respect. At the very least, make sure your water itself is odorless and tasteless. If you really want to realize the full potential of these coffees, you can certainly consider investing in some kind of water treatment. The third wave of water will be a solid choice to make a small amount of great water as you need it.

Bowls, kettles, cups, spoons, and scales for measuring cups

A water boiler / kettle

In fact, any type of kettle is fine, as long as it holds enough hot water for all the samples, so you can make it the way you want it to be.

Coffee vessel

The same container is preferred, but you can make it with anything you have, as long as you use the same proportion for each sample.


If you already have wide or deep bowls, you don't need special cup spoons, but they can be cool.

Extra cups

Multi-purpose. This will be used to clean the spoons between the samples and collect anything you skim from the top of the sample, which may be a good idea to keep a spittoon so you don't inadvertently drink more coffee than you want.

Cup test bowl immersion


Preferably 0. One gram.

A towel / rag

With so many cups filled with so much liquid, you'd better be ready.

Notepad / pencil (if you take notes)

You don't need to take notes while drinking coffee, but if you want to compare more than two cups of coffee, it will be very helpful for you to remember what you experienced before or during the cup test.

Timer / stopwatch

If you have a smartphone, the stopwatch in your alarm clock app will be perfect. A standard kitchen timer usually has a "count" function, or any analog clock with a second hand can work.