Coffee review

What are the characteristics of coffee beans in Sidamo Guji producing area? what is the difference in flavor and taste between Sakui coffee 6.0 and 5.0?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-the distinction between Sidamo and Guji, Sakuran knowledge sharing the Ethiopian administrative region is divided into four levels, in the order of Region, Zone, wored

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-the distinction between Sidamo and Guji, knowledge sharing of Sakuran

The Ethiopian administrative region is divided into four grades, the order from big to small is Region, Zone, woreda and kebele. Most of the names of raw coffee beans are named according to this rule. For example, Sakui, which is located in the southeast of Yejia Sheffield in the Sidamo producing area, belongs to Oromia Region → Guji Zone Guji → Shakisso woreda Shakiso → Hambella Hambela.

Ethiopian coffee is highly rated in China, especially the Chinese people are particularly interested in and love the producing areas of Sidamo and Yirgacheffe in Ethiopia. Sidama province is located in the south of Ethiopia, with Arsi province in the north, Bale province in the east and Gamu Gofa province in the west.

Guji Guji Zone was established as an independent production area by ECX (Ethiopia Commodity Exchange) in 2010 because of its superior geographical location and cup flavor. Shaqisuo is the most attractive micro-producing area in the Guji producing area, located in the southeast of Yega Snow, with an average elevation of more than 1800 meters above sea level.

Sakui belongs to the Sakui producing area of single farm system: Guji Guji, Shakisso,Hambella Humbela

In 2017, Ethiopia's DW Raw Bean Company sent their coffee beans to TOH (the Taste Of Harvest), a competition hosted by the African Coffee Association, and the tanning batch won the championship of TOH Ethiopia. This batch of raw beans, in the capacity of the champion, is named "Sakuran".

Huakui Coffee, located in Hambella, Humbera is located in GUJI, the largest coffee producing area in Ethiopia, and the administration belongs to the state of Oromia. Hambella is the highest coffee-producing area in Ethiopia (Harrar is the highest in Ethiopia), facing the west and kochore across the mountain, and to the east and south, respectively, to the shakiso,Uraga and Kerchaz producing areas of Guji.

The English version of Huakui Coffee does not have a direct English word, but takes the name of Shaqisuo as its English name, probably because it is a micro-producing area, which represents the symbol of this producing area.

Product name: Ethiopia Sunshine Sidamo G1 Sakuran

Ethiopian Sidamo Shakisso Natural

Country of origin: Africa Africa, Ethiopia Ethiopia

Manor: Guji Guji, Hambella Wamena Humbela, buku able Manor

Variety: Heirloom (native to Ethiopia)

Altitude: 2250-2350m

Quality level: G1

Treatment: Natural tanning (African drying bed)

Knowledge expansion: Hambella (commonly translated as "Humbela") is located in GUJI, the largest coffee producing area in Ethiopia, and the administration belongs to the state of Olomia.