Coffee review

Individual coffee beans recommend spruce mantenin mellow flavor chocolate caramel flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-individual coffee beans recommended Indonesia-spruce red fruit Mantenin profile there are a lot of friends asked the front street, do not like sour coffee like rich taste of what to recommend, I casually shake is an article about Manning coffee. Because of its mellow flavor, Manning

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Front Street-Single Product Coffee Bean Recommendation Indonesia-Spruce Red Fruit Mantanin Introduction

A lot of friends asked Qianjie, do not like sour coffee like strong taste what recommendations, I casually throw is an article about Mantenin coffee. Mantelin has a high status in coffee because of its mellow taste, which is loved by coffee fans because of its low acid, slightly sweet and dark chocolate flavor. Therefore, the front street for friends who do not like acid will recommend Mantenin coffee, the following to give you a brief introduction to Mantenin coffee bar!

Known as mantenin, it comes from indonesia, asia's second-largest coffee producer. Although 90% of Indonesia's coffee is produced in low-altitude areas such as Java and Bali, it belongs to the coarse-flavored Robusta species. However, Arabica fine coffee produced in the high altitude areas of northern Sumatra Island, Sulawesi Island and Java Island, accounting for only 10% of its coffee production, has made Indonesian fine coffee such as Mantenin, Golden Mantenin, Golden Dingshang Mantenin, Toba Lake, Tawa Lake, Gaiyou Mountain, Aceh and Sulawesi famous all over the world because of its mellow taste.

Mandrine coffee is low in acid, low in sweetness, and high in alcohol. It is known for its spicy, rich taste and wild flavor. Soil, water and variety are the main factors to achieve its special flavor, and the most important factor to create its flavor is Sumatra's unique "wet planing method".

After peeling the coffee cherries, place the shelled beans into a container filled with water and remove the defective beans floating in the liquid surface. Wash the densified shelled beans at the bottom of the water, take them out and put them into barrels or plastic bags for dry fermentation. Then it is exposed to the sun for one to two days, so that the moisture content of the bean body reaches 30%-50%, the bean body is still semi-hard and semi-soft, and the seed shell is wiped off by a sheller and then exposed to the sun to accelerate the drying process. About two days later, the moisture content reached 12%-13%, and it was completed, about four days before and after.

Front Street introduced this coffee because of the unique red shirt flavor, and recommend this spruce red fruit mantinin because the unique spruce flavor is unprecedented, and both cleanliness and sweetness have a very high degree of recognition, and the sense of hierarchy is clear, is a rare good coffee!

Indonesian spruce red fruit mantinin

Production area: Gaiyou Mountain Tawa Lake

Planting altitude: 1350M-1500M

Breed: Mantenin

Treatment: wet planing

Flavor description: Spruce, dark chocolate, high body

Knowledge expansion: Unlike the usual washing, sun and honey treatments, Indonesia's unique wet planing method is the initiator of the high defect rate of Mantelin coffee and the rare flavor of Mantelin's unique low acid, high body and low spice wind.

Front Street: Front Street is not a coffee shop, but a coffee shop. We are happy to share knowledge about coffee and study coffee brewing. We share without reservation only to let more friends fall in love with coffee, and there will be 3 low discount coffee activities every month. The reason for this is because Qianjie wants to let more friends drink the best coffee at the lowest price. This is also the purpose of Qianjie for 6 years!