Coffee review

American Coffee producing area | introduction to the species and flavor characteristics of coffee beans in Colombia

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-American coffee producing region of Colombia Coffee production area of the Americas refers to Central and South America, the area north of Mexico basically does not produce coffee beans. Coffee producing areas in the Americas are mainly distributed from the Tropic of Cancer to the equator, and in Central America.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-American Coffee producing area brief introduction of Columbia Coffee producing area

Coffee producing areas in the Americas refer to Central and South America, while areas north of Mexico basically do not produce coffee beans. Coffee producing areas in the Americas are mainly distributed from the Tropic of Cancer to the equator, and several countries in Central America are basically coffee producers. Brazil, located in South America, is the largest coffee producer in the world.

American coffee is the most balanced flavor among the three major coffee producing areas in the world, with a balanced development of various flavors, not stealing the limelight, but with obvious characteristics, so the coffee flavor you want is not lacking in American beans. It is the perfect representative of balance in the eyes of many gourmets.

In addition to the differences in coffee species, American beans are usually washed, and the process is very careful, so the particles of coffee beans are significantly larger and average size than African beans, and raw beans are less likely to be adulterated with foreign bodies.

Colombia, which provides 15 per cent of the world's coffee production, is the third largest coffee producer in the world (the largest producer of Arabica coffee) and produces high-quality Arabica coffee with soft and balanced beans.

In 2011, UNESCO added Colombia's coffee cultural landscape to the World Heritage list, and in 2007, the European Union also listed Colombia as a protected coffee origin. Commercial coffee was grown in Colombia in the early days of the world, and many people thought that Colombian coffee had a fruity taste.

Colombia's famous Arabica coffee bean, originating from Ethiopia, is a first-class coffee bean with first-class flavor and aroma because of its weak resistance to diseases and insect pests and growing in high-altitude areas above 1300 meters above sea level. The climate of Colombia, which is located in the tropics, varies according to the topography. The southern part of the eastern plain and the Pacific coast have a tropical rain forest climate, the mountains with an elevation of 1000-2000 meters have a subtropical climate, and the northwest has a savanna climate.

Colombia is the world's largest producer of washed Arabica, the second largest producer of Arabica and the third largest producer of coffee in the world, with an annual output equal to about 1/3 of Brazil, accounting for 12 per cent of the world's total output, just behind Brazil and Vietnam. But compared with the two, Colombia grows almost only high-end Arabica coffee beans. Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai.

Knowledge expansion: Columbus coffee cultivation is distributed along the Andes Mountains, from south to north, roughly divided into northern producing areas, central producing areas and southern producing areas, in which the central region has two primary and secondary seasons, and the north and south have one season.

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