Coffee review

Which is better, v60 or cake cup, v60 or cake cup, which is better than the hariov60 filter cup?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) HARIO V60, KALITA WAVE double hario v60 Hario v60 may be the most common way to brew a cup of coffee by hand. Hario focused on making glassware, especially laboratory equipment, until the late 1950s, when they were extended to kitchens.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


Dual hario v60

Hario V60 is probably the most common way to make a cup of coffee by hand. Hario focused on making glassware, especially laboratory equipment, until the late 1950s, when they extended to kitchen utensils and invented the V60. But it was not until the 1980s that Hario began to produce v60 commercially. The name V60 comes from the 60-degree angle formed by its conical shape. There are three key things that make V60 a unique eyedropper method

1. An angle of 60 degrees; the shape of the coffee ball gives water and coffee a longer contact time.

two。 Big hole; you can change the speed of dripping technology to get a different taste.

3. Spiral ribs; these allow air to escape from the eyedropper, causing coffee grounds to expand.

According to my own experience, the cups produced by V60 are very clean and balanced. There won't be too much sediment or coffee fat in your cup, so it usually tastes medium-bodied. But you can use your dripping technique to change it. If you slowly pour water into the coffee bed, the water will flow more slowly on the bed, making the cup more textured. On the other hand, if you pour quickly and violently, your cup will be lighter. The most important rule is to pour evenly, preferably in a circle, so that your coffee can be made evenly.



It's easy to take a picture!

The Hario V60 does look good in your kitchen, especially the copper version, but if I only choose based on appearance, I will definitely choose Kalita Wave. Bo has a flat bottom, which makes the taste of coffee a little different from the v60. The flat bottom makes extraction easier, and the three extraction holes prevent the coffee bed from channeling (channeling refers to the passage of water through the coffee bed, not the coffee bed itself). These factors make the cup taste extra clean and crisp.