Coffee review

What kind of Yunnan coffee beans does Katim taste like a devil's drink?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie-Katim Coffee Banna, Wenshan, Baoshan, Dehong and other areas in the south and southwest of Yunnan. Catti, bred by the Portuguese in 1959

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Front Street-brief introduction of Katim Coffee beans

Yunnan coffee is the main and largest coffee producing area in China. At present, Yunnan coffee producing areas are mainly distributed in Simao, Banna, Wenshan, Baoshan, Dehong and other areas in the south and southwest of Yunnan.

The Cartimo, also known as Katim, which was bred by the Portuguese in 1959, has 3/4 Arabica blood and 1/4 Robusta blood. Extremely robust, strong resistance to leaf rust is the biggest characteristic. At present, Yunnan has the largest planting area, short trees, high yield and disease resistance. Unfortunately, it has not won a prize in the competition.

According to the determination of experts, the area with the best coffee quality should be located between 15 °N and 23.5 °N, and small seed coffee should be planted in the mountain area with an elevation of 800m to 1800m. Southern Yunnan happens to be located in this golden zone, low latitude, high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night. Yunnan coffee is mostly planted in the dry and hot valley with an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level. it has unique advantages in natural conditions, which is especially suitable for the growth of small-grain coffee, and is the most suitable area for producing high-quality coffee in the country.

Yunnan coffee generally uses washing mode to treat coffee beans. In the early days, Colombian-style treatment mode was introduced by some large factories. Washing beans and drying beans were adopted Columbia mode. Coffee fruits were first mechanically removed from the peel and flesh through the endodermis. The fermentation tank fermented for 24 hours, and then washed the coffee beans with water to remove the pulp. At the same time, the bad beans were separated by the buoyancy of water. So far, the processing of coffee is close to the standard of foreign coffee countries.

There are a large number of plants in Pu'er, Dehong, Baoshan and Lincang areas of Yunnan, coupled with the small fruit of Katim, so it has the title of "Yunnan small-grain coffee". At first, it was not very popular, but today, with the continuous improvement of planting management, treatment and baking technology, Yunnan small-grain coffee has begun to enter the ranks of boutique coffee with a bright future!

The characteristics of Katim taste, deep flavor and strong taste. But the aroma and brightness are slightly flat.

Knowledge: coffee is a short-day plant. Coffee has the characteristics of multiple flowering and concentrated florescence.

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