Coffee review

Is the espresso soe a single bean? How to do the flavor and taste characteristics of Yejiaxuefei soe boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-SOE Coffee introduces the concept of SOE coffee beans used to make espresso, all choose blended coffee, such as 100%Arabica beans or not

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

At present, most coffee shops produce Italian concentrated products, which default to the use of medium and deep roasted coffee beans. For example, 100% Arabica coffee beans or different proportions of Arabica and Robusta mixed coffee beans to ensure the stability of coffee production and the rich and balanced taste of coffee oil and flavor.


With the popularity of the third wave of boutique coffee all over the world, with more and more professional coffee practitioners exploring the origin of coffee and the high standard demand of people who like coffee for the pursuit of personalized taste, SOE coffee with unique personality and flavor was born.

What is SOE coffee?

SOE refers to Italian espresso made from beans from a single producing area. In fact, SOE appeared abroad as early as 10 years ago. After 2007James Hoffmann won the WBC World Barista Competition with SOE, SOE has gradually become popular, and many cafes have the choice of matching and SOE.


Flavor and taste characteristics of SOE coffee

SOE coffee beans choose coffee beans from a single producing area, using a professional Italian semi-automatic coffee machine to extract espresso through the pressure of the coffee machine. Qianjie Coffee believes that SOE can better highlight the regional flavor characteristics of the origin of coffee beans. Like hand-brewed coffee, in order to identify the flavor of coffee beans more easily, roasters will control the roasting degree to test the different flavor display of coffee beans.


Advantages and disadvantages of SOE

The advantage of SOE is that it has rich coffee layers and can taste the unique performance of coffee grown in different producing areas at high concentrations.


The disadvantage is that coffee as a farming, its own flavor and taste will be affected by natural factors, so every year the new production season of coffee beans, even in the same production area, the flavor will be different.

Does SOE have to be fine coffee?

Not necessarily, SOE can only represent the use of espresso beans from a single producing area, but not necessarily boutique coffee. Qianjie Coffee believes that the definition of boutique coffee is not only the quality of coffee beans, but coffee from seeds to products, from a professional point of view, can provide stable products of quality for a long time.


It is not easy to make SOE delicious. On the one hand, you need to know enough about coffee beans to come up with a suitable baking idea for making SOE of coffee beans. On the other hand, we also need to think about the acceptance of products by mass consumers.

According to the observation of Qianjie Coffee, most coffee shops produce SOE coffee, the flavor will be strong and rich, so the acidity will be more obvious, but this kind of coffee taste is not acceptable to everyone. For mass consumers, the taste of coffee is still judged by its richness, so not everyone can accept SOE coffee.

How do you make SOE coffee?

In order to highlight the flavor of the producing area, the roasting degree of SOE coffee beans is generally not too deep, and the flavor is more difficult to extract than the traditional deep-roasted Italian coffee beans. In order to highlight the flavor of the producing area, the baking degree is generally not too deep, and the flavor is more difficult to extract than the traditional deep-roasted Italian coffee beans.


This time, Qianjie Coffee uses its own "Yejiaxuefei Red Cherry Coffee beans", Lelit coffee machine and Q18 grinder to make SOE coffee. 20g very fine ground coffee powder 20g, at 10bar pressure and 94 degrees Celsius hot water, extract 40g coffee liquid for 27 seconds.

SOE coffee flavor performance: citrus, berries, fermented aroma, sticky, medium bitter, medium high acidity, bright and lively acidity, the overall texture is light.