Coffee review

The basic steps of how to drink hand-made coffee with ground coffee powder learn to make coffee anytime and anywhere.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-hand coffee steps to share with you today, the steps to brew coffee in a cake filter cup, write down the following steps, you can also easily become a home coffee expert, pour out a good cup of coffee! Because the filter paper used together is like a cup.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-step introduction to hand-made coffee

Today, I'm going to share with you the steps of brewing coffee in a cake filter cup. Write down the following, and you can easily become a home coffee expert and make a good cup of coffee.

Because the filter paper used together is like the crease of cupcake paper, this kind of filter cup is often called cake filter cup. It is generally called Wave in English, so it is also called wave filter cup. Use the crease of the filter paper to replace the reverse groove, because the area of touching the cup body is small, so that the coffee powder can be extracted evenly, which is very suitable for beginners to use.

Step 1: do not prepare carelessly in advance, take photos with tools, fresh coffee beans, hand flushing pot, electronic scale, coffee bean spoon, filter cup and filter paper, glass pot.

Step 2: freshest taste, freshly ground coffee beans! Freshly ground coffee can give you the best extraction. The recommended ratio of coffee powder to water is 1:15, that is, 20g of powder should be paired with 300ml water, and so on.

Step 4: coffee filter paper with coffee filter cup, cake cup filter paper does not need to fold, flat into the filter cup.

Step 4: add hot water, steam, hot water about 92 degrees, use a small pot to slowly inject, first fully soak the coffee powder, then steam for about 30 seconds and then evenly inject water from the inside to the outside and from the outside to the inside in a clockwise direction.

Step 5: completely extract and enjoy immediately. After the coffee powder is completely extracted and dripping, remove the filter cup from the shelf, shake the coffee liquid in the glass pot, and drink it.

After reading the above introduction, do you find that as long as you master the five-step tips, it is really not difficult to make coffee by hand, and it will even become very fun!

The changeable method of brewing coffee by hand, there is no good or bad, only personal preferences, so their own coffee brewing, do not put too much pressure on yourself at the beginning, practice makes perfect. With the accumulation of cooking times, people will eventually find out and rush out their favorite flavor, come on!

Knowledge: unlike what we know about pressure, siphon and espresso, it is easier to make and clean.

In short: Qianjie is a coffee research hall, happy to share the knowledge about coffee with you, we share unreservedly just to make more friends fall in love with coffee, and there will be three low-discount coffee activities every month. The reason is that Qianjie wants to make more friends drink the best coffee at the lowest price, which has been Qianjie's tenet for 6 years!