Coffee review

Hand-made coffee beans thickness standard hand-made coffee step by step

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-hand brewing coffee steps, grinding introduction hand brewed coffee usually uses a single product of coffee beans as raw materials, because hand brewing can give full play to the personality and characteristics of coffee beans, the roasting degree of coffee beans are from light roasting, medium roasting, deep roasting, hand brewing coffee mostly uses filter

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction to the steps and grinding degree of hand-made coffee

Hand-brewed coffee usually uses single coffee beans as raw materials, because hand-brewing can maximize the personality and characteristics of coffee beans. The roasting degree of coffee beans varies from light roasting to medium roasting to deep roasting. Most hand-brewed coffee is brewed in a filter cup. First, the coffee beans are ground into powder and then put into filter paper. After slowly injecting hot water into the whole coffee powder, the coffee liquid extracted through filter paper and filter cup drips slowly down. A cup of hand coffee is done.

Preparation materials: coffee beans, grinder (bean grinder), temperature control pot, electronic scale, coffee sharing pot, filter cup, filter paper, timer

To flush by hand:

The first step is the choice of beans.

The second step: grind and grind you need to choose a suitable grinder, remember not to grind deeply. The fineness of coffee powder made by grinder is about the same as that of white granulated sugar.

Step 3: gouache ratio the usual ratio of powder to water is 1: 12: 17 the specific weight of coffee is determined according to the number of people sharing, but the popular filter cup can generally bear between 20 grams and 30 grams.

Step 4: the control of water temperature is also very important in the process of coffee brewing, which directly affects the taste of coffee liquor. it is best to use a temperature control pot when boiling water to keep the water temperature at its best at any time. According to the roasting degree of coffee, the water temperature has a general range of choice:

Step 5: steaming hand coffee requires "three injections and three receipts", that is, three stages of water injection, the whole brewing process time is controlled within 1 minute 40 seconds-2 minutes 30 seconds, it is recommended to use a timer.

The sixth step: the second water injection, choose to use fine water injection; water injection should pay attention to the flow speed to maintain uniform, water injection in a counterclockwise direction, (according to the specific filter cup consideration) along the center of the filter cup showing a ring around the uniform injection.

Step 7: the third time of water injection, choose to use coarse water flow for rapid injection. What should be noted here is that no matter whether coarse flow or fine flow is used, steady and uniform injection should be done. Remember, steady, steady and stable need to pay attention to small details, always pay attention to the electronic scale under the sharing cup, and the amount of water injected should be strictly controlled within the corresponding range. (that is, 20g is strictly controlled in 240~340ml and is not allowed to exceed 340ml. )

Knowledge: hand-brewed coffee is made by hand with a single variety of coffee beans from a single origin, and even people who pay attention to roasting and grinding beans themselves.

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