Coffee review

What kind of coffee is manning? I don't know what manning coffee is.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Manning Coffee the prequel of Manning Coffee actually began in Java, 1696-1699 the Dutch East India Company copied the iron card coffee saplings from India to Java, which started the cultivation of Indonesian coffee. Soon Java became synonymous with coffee. And since 1835.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Front Street-Manning Coffee

The prequel of Mantenin Coffee actually began in Java, and the Dutch East India Company copied the iron pickup saplings of Inland to Java in 1696-1699, which opened the cultivation of Indonesian coffee. Soon Java became synonymous with coffee. Since 1835, coffee trade has discovered that the Mandaining Highlands, that is, Sumatra, is more suitable for growing coffee than Java in terms of climate, area, topography, transportation and so on. at the same time, serious leaf rust broke out in the iron pickup truck in Java in 1880-1890, while the Mandaining Highland became the main coffee producing area instead of Java because of its cooler and milder epidemic.

"Java Coffee" slowly faded, replaced by Java Mandaining Coffee due to pronunciation differences, coffee bean body is longer, is now the predecessor of Mandenin Coffee.

Manning is not the name of the producing area, the place name, the port name, nor the name of the coffee breed. How did it get its name? In fact, it is a phonetic error of the mandheling people in Mandaining, Indonesia. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II, a Japanese soldier drank mellow coffee in a cafe, so he asked the shopkeeper the name of the coffee, and the boss mistook him for asking where you were from, so he replied: Mandaining. After the war, the Japanese soldiers recalled the "manning" they had drunk in Indonesia. As a result, 15 tons of Indonesian coffee was transported to Japan, which was very popular. That's how Manning's name came out, and the coffee merchant is now the famous PWN Coffee Company.

Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with Robusta accounting for 90% of the total production. Sumatra Manning is a rare Arabica species. Planted on hillsides between 750m and 1500 m above sea level, the mysterious and unique Sumatran species give Mantenin coffee a rich aroma, rich taste, strong flavor, slightly chocolate and syrup flavor.

Mantenin coffee beans have large granules and hard beans, and they are prone to defects in the process of planting. After harvest, they are usually subject to strict manual selection. If the control process is not strict enough, it is easy to cause a mixture of good and bad quality. in addition, the different degree of baking will also directly affect the taste, so it has become a more controversial single product.

Known as Mantenin mandheling, it is produced all over Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. The finished product has a unique fragrance of herbs and trees.

Gold Mantenin, the Japanese adopted more stringent quality control more than a decade ago. After picking beans manually for four times, they eliminated defective beans and produced gold mantenin with dark green color and equal appearance of beans, creating another wave of market demand. Even Europe and the United States are crazy about it.

The aged Agedmandheling is as sweet as honey. The successful old bean has worn away Manning's inelegant sour taste. The sour ingredients are ripe and converted to sugar, making the coffee more round and sweeter to drink. Manning is like a coffee zombie in the old age of failure, and the taste is hard to taste.

Knowledge: Mandailing is neither the name of the place name, the name of the producing area, the name of the port, nor the name of the coffee breed, but the mispronunciation of Mandelin (Mandelin), an ethnic group originally living in Sumatra.

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