Coffee review

Kenya Coffee Bean Grade Kenya PBTOP Sasini Estate Round Bean Valuable Flavor and Taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Front Street-Kenya PB TOP Sasini Manor Round Bean Introduction After all, there are many friends who don't know what round beans are. It can be said that round beans are God's favorite. Each coffee fruit contains two coffee seeds (coffee beans), which grow in half. normal

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction of round beans at Sassini Manor in PB TOP, Kenya

Then again, there are many friends who don't know what round beans are. It can be said that the round bean is the "darling of heaven". In each coffee fruit, there are two coffee seeds (coffee beans) that grow in half. Under normal conditions, one side of each raw coffee bean is flat, flat and evenly distributed nutrition, so there is not much difference in shape and size between the two beans, which is called flat beans. But there are exceptions to everything. Due to some factors (poor nutrition, insect pests, drought, etc.), a coffee fruit cannot normally develop into two uniform flat beans, one of which takes away most of the nutrients, and a round bean will appear. This is the growth process of round beans, and "PB" is the highest sieve grade in round beans.

Many friends have discussed the male and female nature of round beans with us. Although we disagree with them, we will not repeat them here. Many people think that round beans absorb most of the essence of a coffee fruit and have an excellent flavor, while others think that round beans are just a gimmick and are not so vivid. But if you really experience it, you will wake up to the fact that the intoxicating sour aroma of berries can really make people feel fascinated.

For round beans (Peaberry), it is already rare, and this TOP-grade raw bean is even more valuable. Round beans have a stronger aroma than AA grade coffee beans, round and smooth. Moreover, the history of coffee cultivation in Kenya can be traced back to 1893, and most of its country is a family-style small farm management model, which is also favored by countries all over the world. In recent years, Kenya has become one of the favorite coffee for coffee fans because of its unique aroma of red wine, sour berries and rare excellent quality.

Round beans of Sassini Manor in PB TOP, Kenya

Production area: Kenya Mountain Kiambu

Altitude: 1900 m

Variety: Arabica

Manor: Sassini Manor

Bean seed: SL28

Treatment method: washing type, net bed drying

Flavor: clean, full-bodied, citrus, black plum, mango and other tropical fruit flavor, smooth taste, good grease.

Knowledge: coffee flower ovary has two ovules, because it is self-pollination, so the pollination rate is very high, usually two ovules will be pollinated successfully, and developed into a coffee berry with two seeds (flat beans)

In short: Qianjie is a coffee research hall, happy to share the knowledge about coffee with you, we share unreservedly just to make more friends fall in love with coffee, and there will be three low-discount coffee activities every month. The reason is that Qianjie wants to make more friends drink the best coffee at the lowest price, which has been Qianjie's tenet for 6 years!