Coffee review

What are the characteristics of Sumatra coffee Indonesian Sumatra coffee mellow and wild

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Qianjie-Sumatra coffee introduction Coffee from Sumatra is known for its smoothness, sweetness, full taste and low acidity. Cocoa, earthy and cedar wood flavors are well represented in the cup. Sometimes Sumatra coffee shows higher acidity

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Front Street-Sumatran Coffee introduction

Coffee from Sumatra is famous for its smoothness, sweetness, fullness and low acidity. The flavors of cocoa, clay and cedar wood are all well shown in the cup. Sometimes, Sumatran coffee shows higher acidity, which balances its alcohol thickness. This acidity has tropical fruit flavors and sometimes grapefruit or limes.


Mandheling is a trade name for Arabica coffee in northern Sumatra. It comes from the name of the Mandailing people who produce coffee in the Tapanuli region of Sumatra. Mandheling coffee comes from northern Sumatra and Aceh.

Lin Dong (Lintong)

Lindong Coffee grows in the Nihuta area, southwest of Lake Toba Lake. The Great Lake is one of the deepest lakes in the world, 505 meters deep. The coffee producing area is a plateau famous for its rich tree fern species. The neighboring Sidikalang region also produces Arabica coffee.

Jiayu (Gayo)

Jiayu is an area on the hillside around the town of Takengon and Lake Lake Tawar at the northern end of Sumatra in Aceh. The average elevation of the production area is between 1110 meters and 1600 meters. Coffee is grown by small farmers in the shade of trees.

Coffee in this area usually uses the traditional wet planing (Wet Hulling), which is called giling basah in the local language. Wet-shaved coffee is characterized by rich texture but less acidity and sweetness.

Knowledge: in the 1860s and 1970s, outbreaks of coffee leaf rust destroyed the Indonesian coffee market and caused the Dutch to abandon many estates. With the collapse of the plantation, workers occupied small plots of land and eventually replanted coffee with Robosta coffee and various disease-resistant Arabica hybrids.

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