Coffee review

Indonesia Mantenin rating Mantenin Coffee beans are Arabica? its taste characteristics and flavor description

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Mantenin coffee classification introduction coffee classification is usually based on defect rate, large bean eyes


Generally speaking, Indonesia's Mantenin export will use the international standard graded sieve as the basis for grading according to the size classification, that is, the 17x18 mesh that we often see. Because the composition of bean species is complex, mostly hybrid varieties, as a genetic standard, Indonesia, like Yunnan, can be called Arabica coffee.

Coffee grading is usually based on defect rate, bean size, altitude, raw bean density, treatment standards, and so on. Raw coffee beans are evaluated and graded in each country due to historical reasons, trade interests, climate, topography and other factors. The front street of this article is to introduce how raw coffee beans are graded in Indonesia.

Indonesia is located near the equator and belongs to the tropical rain forest climate. Most of the coffee beans produced in large quantities are treated with rough wet planing. Wet planing treatment greatly speeds up the whole treatment process, but it takes a lot of friction to remove the semi-dry sheep skin, so raw beans are easy to be crushed and crushed, especially at both ends, forming small gaps. As a result, the defect rate of Indonesian coffee beans treated by wet planing is generally high, so raw bean merchants will arrange manual selection to remove incomplete beans with defects before export.


Indonesian coffee is graded mainly according to the number of defective beans, supplemented by size. Indonesia's general quality requirements are no live insects, no mildew and rotten beans, with a maximum moisture content of 12.5%. The impurity rate is less than 0.5%. According to the defect rate classification (based on 300g), the grade Grade standard is mainly divided into six levels, namely G1-G6.


Usually, the rough sacks of raw beans in Indonesian coffee will be marked: country + graded name + raw bean merchants, such as Lin Dong Manning Coffee and PWN Gold Manning Coffee on the Qianjie bean list are G1 grade, among which the raw bean sack of PWN Gold Manning Coffee is printed with "PWN GOLDEN MANDHELING TRIPLE PICKED Grade 1 PROD OF INDONESIA 30KGS NET". Indonesia PWN Company has gone through one machine selection + three hand selection on the basis of G1. The Mantenin raw beans produced are of high quality, with uniform color and regular size.


Although the wet planing method has improved the defect rate of coffee beans, the coffee taste is not particularly negative, but brings a unique aroma. The final drying process of the wet planing method does not have the protection of parchment, and the raw beans are directly exposed to the environment and are bred by various strains. Let the Indonesian coffee with a unique flavor of wood, spices and herbs. That is what we call "the flavor of the region". In order to let everyone taste this unique taste, Qianjie added Indonesian Lindong Manning coffee beans to the rations bean series. Qianjie launched small-packaged rations beans in the hope that novice coffee can understand the nature of coffee by tasting different basic flavors in the producing areas.


In order to present the classic mellow flavor of Mantenin coffee, two types of Mantenin coffee are roasted in the front street, making the aroma of dark chocolate and caramel more explosive. Mantenin coffee beans after entering the best taste period, the aroma is the most full, Qianjie believes that the use of freshly roasted coffee beans is very important. The aroma of coffee beans will accelerate over time, which is related to the final presentation of the flavor of coffee. Qianjie hopes that every guest can drink fresh and good coffee, so only the freshly roasted cooked beans within 5 days are shipped, plus the logistics time, they can be enjoyed when they are received.


The parameters of brewing coffee in Qianjie are based on the characteristics, roasting degree and flavor of coffee beans. Whenever a coffee bean is launched, Qianjie will taste it in the form of a cup test. PWN Gold Manning Coffee shows the flavor of nuts, dark chocolate, spices, pine and caramel, with weak acidity and high alcohol thickness.

Baristas on Qianjie will choose KONO filter cups to brew this kind of mellow coffee. KONO filter cup compared with v60 has a smooth surface, weak exhaust effect, straight ribs only 1/4 of the filter cup, so that the coffee layer and hot water to form immersion extraction, the taste of coffee is more round and mellow. The KONO filter cup is also suitable for coffee such as Brazil's Queen's Manor Coffee and Jamaica Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee.


Deep roasting loosens the internal structure of coffee beans, and we can crush them with a gentle pinch of our hands, which shows that the coffee beans are highly absorbent after grinding into powder. In order to prevent coffee powder from releasing too much bitterness after absorbing water, Qianjie will thicken the grinding degree and flush it by hand with cooler water. The noodle-water ratio in front of the street will choose the usual 1:15, if you want a stronger taste, you can use 1:13, according to your own taste.

Recommended brewing water temperature: 87-88 degrees coffee powder: 15 grams of powdered water ratio 1:15, grindability: medium and rough grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 70%) use three-stage water injection, divided into three stages of water injection can better show the mellow taste of golden manning coffee and the sweetness of caramel.


The first stage of steaming water injection 30ml, this stage of water injection all wet coffee powder, exhaust, in order to better extract coffee flavor substances, the second stage injected 100ml, this stage mainly flushed out Mantenin's golden foam, and raised the powder layer. In the last section, 95ml is injected into the soft center, which can improve the sweetness of the coffee, showing a thick and mellow taste, the sweetness of caramel and the flavor of chocolate and nuts.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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