Coffee review

Taiwanese fruits and cafes are favorite of mainland tourists.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The "100 reasons to fall in love with Taiwan" campaign launched by Qunar showed that mainland tourists who took part in the vote loved Taiwan's tropical fruits and personality cafes best.

Mainland residents have been visiting Taiwan individually for more than a month, so what attracts mainland tourists most in Taiwan? As of August 7, 2011, the voting campaign "100 reasons to fall in Love with Taiwan" launched by Qunar, the world's largest Chinese online travel website, showed that mainland tourists who took part in the vote loved Taiwan's tropical fruits and personality cafes best. In addition, 24-hour Eslite Bookstore, "Kangxi coming", Hot Spring Hotel, Shilin Night Market, Kenting National Park, seaside post station, convenient MRT and Sanmao are also among the top 10 reasons why mainland tourists love Taiwan most. The votes of Taizai fried, residential accommodation and Taipei Wufenpu rose the most rapidly.

Since the official launch of the closely watched personal travel of mainland residents to Taiwan on June 28, tourism companies across Taiwan have been competing for business opportunities for individual tours of mainland tourists. However, there were no hot scenes of individual visits by mainland tourists in July and August.

According to a report in Taiwan's Economic Daily, mainland tourists have been on their own trip to Taiwan for more than a month. Lai Seizhen, the "director of tourism" of the Taiwan authorities, said that in the past, except that mainland tour agencies were not familiar with the process, July and August were the peak summer vacation season, and the main scenic spots and leisure hotels on the island were crowded with local tourists, so it was not easy to book rooms in leisure hotels, reducing the willingness of mainland tourists to travel to Taiwan alone. The number of individual travelers on land is expected to rise sharply from September.

In order to welcome the coming "peak season" of mainland tourists to Taiwan, Taiwan tourism companies have rubbed their hands one after another and refused to miss the opportunity. Qunar teamed up with, Taiwan's largest travel company, and its subsidiary to hold a "August tour of Taiwan with hotel sleepers". Le Yulue, Liu Mingying, Chen Hewei, Li Jia, Zhang Yumo and Zhuang Jing will arrive in Taiwan on August 10 for a seven-day and six-night personalized trip to experience "Taiwan Wild fun Tour", "Taiwan Food Map", "follow Michelin to Taiwan", "meet Taiwan Folk Culture", "Taiwan in movies" and "Taiwan Love Map" respectively. To provide the most detailed and fresh information for the upcoming individual tour craze for mainland tourists.

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