Coffee review

King Sidamoto King Coffee Bean

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more Coffee Bean Information Please note Coffee Workshop (Wechat account cafe_style) Front Street-the King of Yesopisimogurgi G1 comes from the familiar Sidamoguji region, the province of Sidama is located in the south of Ethiopia and the province of Arsi in the north, and the province extends to Bale.

Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more information about coffee beans Please note the coffee workshop (Wechat account cafe_style)

Qianjie-Yi so Pishi Makuji Riyazi King G1

The king comes from the well-known Sidamoguji region. The province of Sidama is located in the south of Ethiopia and the province of Arsi in the north. The province extends to the province of Bale, and the west is the administrative district of Gamu Gofa.

Growing in the southernmost plateau of Ethiopia, which is between 4600 and 7200 feet above sea level, Sidamosheng is a famous boutique coffee area in southern Ethiopia. It borders Kenya and lies south of Kyrgyzstan, just south of the capital. It is usually sweet and bright, and is more loved than by more people.

The flavor of coffee coffee in Seymour is very diverse. in different soil types, micro-climates and countless native coffee species, this producing region has high mountains, highlands, plateaus, valleys and plains, and the terrain is varied. moreover, the land is fertile and has well-drained volcanic soil. under such strong planting conditions, the amount of coffee can be imagined. With regard to the Guji production area, which has received a lot of attention in recent years, it has achieved good results in both taste exhibition and product quality in recent years.

The Guji region was once part of the Sidamo region, but it has been established as a new region by the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) in 2010.

The Gujima area in the south of Yegashafi is next to the Western Paleo and the Baltic River. it is an area with high mountains, highlands, plateaus, valleys and plains.

The area is divided into fertile black soil (Vertisol). The depth of the soil is close to rice, with an average elevation of more than 1800 meters. On the other hand, the geographical characteristics make it difficult to produce fine coffee day and night, so that the land is equipped to produce fine coffee.

[the King of Sidamo]

This batch is produced by the coffee shop of Shilcho Coop, which is located near the town of Dara Woreda in Sidama province.

This cooperative was founded in 1976 and is currently a member of SCFCU (Sidama Coffee FarmerCooperative Union), the cooperative alliance of Sidama province.

SCFCU is the largest coffee cooperative alliance in Ethiopia, which currently has about 46 member cooperatives, making it the second largest coffee in Ethiopia.

Processing method

These beans are processed on a daily basis.

The daily cooking method is the oldest and most primitive method for the treatment of coffee beans. The harvested coffee fruit is directly exposed to light for drying for four weeks. During the drying period, it needs to be turned over indefinitely, and it has failed without fermentation.

Daily coffee is sweet and tastes thicker, but the only bad thing is that the defect rate will be higher.

Yi so Pisi Makuji Rikuzi King G1

Production area: Guji,Sidamo

Altitude: Heirloom

Altitude: 1800m-2000m

Processing: daily processing

Cup message: strong fruit flavor, cantaloupe, peach, berry and other fruit flavors, crisp, slippery, balanced, lively and changeable, sweet and fragrant.