Coffee review

Costa Rican Coffee Brand recommends musician Series Coffee Mozart characteristics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Costa Rican musicians series Mozart introduction Costa Rica Tara Juju Canette Manor musicians series raisin honey treatment of Mozart flowers, strawberry Swiss sugar, toffee, rum producing area | Tarazu altitude | 1950 meters variety | Yellow Carduai

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction to Mozart of Costa Rican musicians series

Costa Rica Tara Zucanette Manor musicians series raisin honey treatment of Mozart

Floral scent, strawberry Swiss candy, toffee, rum

Producing area | Tarazhu

Altitude | 1950 m

Variety | Huang Kaduai

Treatment | Rasin Honey Process for raisin honey treatment

Mozart is a branch of the musician series, a product from Carnett Manor in the Tara Pearl region of Costa Rica. As the most popular raw bean in the musician series, Mozart has been well received and sought after by many people in the three years since it was launched on the market. It uses a unique method of raisin honey treatment to produce, ah, that is, the fully ripe coffee cherries are sunburned to a tight raisin state, and then peeled off for honey treatment and slow fermentation. the special treatment process brings strong aroma and varied taste to the beans.

The different varieties of coffee fruits harvested in Carnett Manor, the yellow Kaduai will be made into a musician series of Mozart.

It is difficult to describe Mozart in words. It is full of flowers, rich strawberry jam, lingering taffy, rum, berries and cocoa aftertaste. Of course, these words can not perfectly express its glory and magnificent taste, like an unprecedented experience and fine coffee has never had a delicate page, you need to taste it in order to experience the good taste.

In short: Qianjie is a coffee research hall, happy to share the knowledge about coffee with you, we share unreservedly just to make more friends fall in love with coffee, and there will be three low-discount coffee activities every month. The reason is that Qianjie wants to make more friends drink the best coffee at the lowest price, which has been Qianjie's tenet for 6 years!