Coffee review

Look, hear, ask and buy high quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Cut, is through pinching, cutting, chewing and other methods to quickly determine the general taste, freshness and baking uniformity of coffee beans. Through this step and the combination of watching and smelling, we can accurately judge whether the coffee beans have just been baked, and the roasting level of the coffee beans will be at a glance. Here are a few techniques one by one. To pinch is to grab a few coffee beans

Cut, is through pinching, cutting, chewing and other methods to quickly determine the general taste, freshness and baking uniformity of coffee beans. Through this step and the combination of watching and smelling, we can accurately judge whether the coffee beans have just been baked, and the roasting level of the coffee beans will be at a glance. Here are a few techniques one by one.


To pinch is to grab a few coffee beans and crush them. The aim is to feel the expansion rate, hardness and crispness of coffee beans. After crushing, you can smell the fragrance again. At this time, the fragrance will be very strong.


Cut, that is, to observe the section of the coffee bean, you can start directly from the middle of the coffee bean when kneading, and then carefully observe whether the color of the section is uniform. Only the coffee bean baking with the same color inside and outside is relatively in place, combined with the expansion rate. You can roughly understand the coffee bean roaster's external baking level, of course, this does not mean that coffee beans must be delicious.


Chewing is to take a coffee bean to chew directly, do not have to swallow, you can spit out the chewed coffee grounds. In the process of chewing, you can roughly understand the taste tendency of coffee, of course, this taste is not very accurate, but only for rough judgment. The most important thing is to feel whether the coffee beans are crisp or not. Coffee beans that do not feel crisp are generally stale unless they are lightly roasted.

Through the cutting process, you can use the most direct and quick way to understand the quality and freshness of coffee beans.