Coffee review

Description of flavor and taste characteristics of fine Yunnan small-grain coffee bean producing area introduction to the price of Yunnan coffee bean varieties

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the front street of Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Yunnan Xiaogeli Coffee, which has long been famous for its high-quality tea, is now home to another most popular drink in the world: coffee. Chinese coffee produced in Yunnan accounts for


As coffee has become a daily drink for more young people, cafes are all over the streets. Now, walking into a coffee shop, more and more people begin to realize that coffee beans are not only made in foreign countries, but also in mainland China.

The popularity of the movie "I'll be Home in a minute" on Chinese mainland has made more Chinese realize that there are places in China to grow boutique coffee. Yunnan small grain coffee tastes and flavor is not strong, strong but not bitter. It has become a postcard of Yunnan small grain coffee.

In fact, Yunnan, a huge province, not all the land in the province is suitable for growing coffee. Yunnan coffee beans are grown closer to the southwest. So, what are the more famous coffee producing areas in Yunnan Province? Next, Qianjie will introduce them one by one.


In 1904, a missionary from France came to Yunnan from Vietnam to preach and introduced coffee for planting. he brought coffee seeds into the valleys of Yunnan, but more specifically, to the village of Zhu Kula, Binchuan County, Dali County, Yunnan Province. The high altitude, relatively mild climate and fertile soil provide an ideal environment for growing these challenging crops. Today, there are different varieties that can be traced back to these first plants.

Today, the main coffee growing areas in this region are Pu'er, Baoshan, Dehong and Lincang.



If you are a tea fan and love to drink Pu'er tea, you must have at least heard of the name, because the name of this kind of tea comes from the city of the same name. However, in recent years, Pu'er is not only the tea capital of Yunnan, but also the coffee capital of Yunnan. Most of the crops are in the region and the best quality coffee beans are produced throughout Yunnan. This place has proved itself to be an important distribution center.


The main variety of coffee in Yunnan is Arabica coffee, which is called Yunnan small-grain coffee by locals. Baoshan began to grow coffee on a large scale around 1950. At that time, Yunnan coffee beans in Baoshan were smaller than similar coffee beans in other parts of the world, and the flavor was soft and slightly. It's a little sweet with a moderately bitter taste. The small-grain coffee produced in Lujiang County was rated as first-class in the London market in the late 1950s.


Dehong is one of the earliest areas in China to introduce and grow coffee and is known as the hometown of coffee in China. In the mid-1910's, small grains of coffee were introduced from Myanmar for cultivation. It was not until the 1950s that large-scale commercial cultivation began and gave birth to the first local coffee brand-Hougu. In addition, Dehong also has the largest coffee seed gene bank in China.


Lincang is bordered by Pu'er to the east, Dali to the north, Baoshan to the west, and Myanmar to the southwest. The Tropic of Cancer runs through its south. Lincang can be said to be a bright pearl in the southwest border of China. The average annual temperature in Lincang is between 16 degrees Celsius and 17 degrees Celsius, the climate is mild, the dry season and rainy season are distinct, the sun is full of sunshine, and it has a complex terrain. The unique geographical location and climatic conditions here have become the focus of many coffee enterprises. Qianjie Coffee fell in love with Lincang, a fengshui treasure land, and set up its own coffee farm here, which is home to the oldest Arabica species.


Today, Yunnan boutique coffee has a separate area on the menus of many independent cafes. However, if you take a closer look at the varieties of coffee, friends should be able to find that many varieties of coffee beans of Yunnan boutique coffee are Katim varieties. Beginners may not be aware of the characteristics of the Katim breed.

China's Yunnan Province began large-scale commercial cultivation in the 1950s, but at that time coffee beans were mainly used to supply foreign markets, such as the Soviet Union. Because of the unique taste and flavor of Yunnan small-grain coffee at that time, it was even rated as first-class in the London market in the late 1950s. However, at that time, China's coffee market had not yet been opened, and more Chinese people only heard of coffee and did not know what it tasted like. As a result, Yunnan in China became one of the raw materials of coffee.

With the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, more and more foreign-funded enterprises have settled in Chinese mainland. Yunnan, as an important growing area for the production of boutique coffee, has certainly attracted the attention of international coffee brands. Nestl é, Starbucks and other brands settled in Yunnan, Yunnan provides them with a large number of raw materials.

In order to obtain a large amount of raw materials in one producing area, promote the planting of new varieties. And this new breed is what we now know as the Katim variety. The Katim variety, mixed with Robusta genes, is highly resistant to coffee leaf rust and has three times the yield of iron pickup.

catimor CIFC7963

At that time, the farmers did not understand the variety of coffee beans and the flavor of coffee, but only knew that the increase in production meant a doubling of income. So cut down the elegant tin card and plant the more productive Katim instead.

Katim varieties do bring higher yields and are easier to manage without worrying too much about the interference of leaf rust and other planting conditions. However, due to the Robusta gene, its flavor is more or less Robusta's characteristics, sometimes with a bitter taste or even a fishy taste. Han Huaizong, a master of Taiwanese boutique coffee, once described this variety as "devil-like tail rhyme".

In order to pursue the most primitive flavor of Yunnan boutique coffee, Qianjie Coffee grows the oldest and most primitive Arabica coffee variety-Iron pickup in its own manor.

The top leaves of the iron pickup varieties are bronzed, the beans are oval or thin, elegant flavor, clean taste, overall balance, and have strict requirements for planting height. Because of its excellent taste, Yunnan small grain coffee has won numerous praises and is recognized as a boutique coffee variety.


Qianjie Coffee Qianjie 2013 Yunnan Iron pickup

Producing area: Lincang, Yunnan

Manor: Yunnan Qianjie Coffee Manor

Altitude: 1300 m

Variety: iron pickup

Treatment: insolation

Qianjie Coffee Farm produces sun-treated tin pickup coffee. Sun treatment is the most primitive and traditional post-treatment of raw coffee beans. Compared with water washing treatment, sun treatment can give coffee a stronger flavor and a qualitative leap in sweetness.

After picking ripe coffee red cherries, Qianjie Coffee will spread the whole fruits evenly on the tanning bed and turn over each fruit every half an hour. It is operated so frequently that the coffee fruit can be dried evenly and avoid excessive fermentation to produce an unpleasant sense of fermentation.


With such meticulous handling, even the baristas in Qianjie gave a thumbs up one after another to say that Yunnan small grains of coffee is delicious. After experiencing its elegant demeanor in Qianjie, many friends asked the barista in Qianjie how to cook it to give full play to its best performance when they wanted to buy such a kind of coffee beans.

The baristas of Qianjie Coffee used the following parameters when brewing this coffee bean:


Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 degrees Celsius

Amount of powder: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Grinding degree: 75% of the pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 screen

First inject 30 grams of hot water for 30 seconds, the central point of fine water injection and slowly circle to 125 grams, the water level in the filter cup is about to expose the powder bed to 225 grams, the total extraction time is about 2 minutes.

Qianjie tanning iron pickup truck made according to this parameter has soft plum acid, preserved fruit sweetness, rich nut tone, and brown sugar sweetness and black tea after rhyme. Of course, not everyone has grinding equipment at home, whether online or offline to buy coffee beans in the front street, there is a grinding service in the front street. However, after coffee beans are ground into powder, the loss of flavor substances is fast, so Qianjie suggests that friends who have grinding equipment at home should buy whole beans and grind them now.


In addition, the pursuit of fresh baking is not in the minority, and so is Qianjie. If the coffee beans are too fresh, the carbon dioxide in the beans will hinder the process of dissolving flavor substances in water. Therefore, the coffee beans shipped in front of the street are freshly roasted within 5 days, and when they arrive, they have already passed a period of 4 to 7 days, which is the time when the flavor is the best.

For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) and exchange professional coffee knowledge. Please add Wechat account kaixinguoguo0925.