Coffee review

Why do some people drink coffee to refresh themselves, while others get more and more sleepy?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, The phrase "Don't drink coffee, you can't sleep" is intended to exaggerate the refreshing effect of coffee, but many people have such doubts after drinking coffee: the more refreshed others drink coffee, the more sleepy they become. What on earth is the reason for this? Did you drink fake coffee? Why do people get drunk the more they drink coffee? The scientific explanation is the lack of dimension in the body.

The phrase "Don't drink coffee, you can't sleep" is intended to exaggerate the refreshing effect of coffee, but many people have such doubts after drinking coffee: the more refreshed others drink coffee, the more sleepy they become. What on earth is the reason for this? Did you drink fake coffee?

Why do people get drunk the more they drink coffee? The scientific explanation is purple.

Lack of vitamins

The consensus that coffee conveys to everyone is a softer stimulant that can lift one's spirits and improve one's mental condition. in fact, coffee does refresh people, but the refreshing effect varies from person to person.

For people who are allergic to coffee, the metabolism increases after drinking coffee, and the metabolism needs to consume B vitamins. At this time, it will increase the consumption of B vitamins related to nerve and muscle coordination in the human body. when the human body has enough vitamin B, coffee will have a refreshing effect; on the contrary, when vitamin B is lacking, it will be more sleepy after drinking coffee.

Caffeine antibodies in the body are in trouble.

There is a downside to caffeine: once you become addicted to coffee, you need more and more caffeine to "fight" your tired state of mind, or directly make you "immune" to caffeine.

In addition, people who are not sensitive to caffeine may have a lot of powerful caffeine antibodies in your system, which resist the refreshing effects of coffee, making you even more sleepy after another cup of coffee.

The physique itself is not suitable for coffee.

The caffeine in coffee makes your heart beat faster and your blood flow faster, which usually makes you more awake. However, if a person with high blood viscosity drinks coffee, it will cause his heart to beat faster, and it is very difficult for high viscosity blood to flow quickly in very thin cerebral blood vessels. It will give up these small blood vessels and circulate only in large blood vessels. On the contrary, it will reduce the amount of fresh blood in the brain blood vessels and lack of support.

Insufficient blood supply can cause coffee drinkers to become very sleepy and feel dizzy.

Caffeine exceeds the "tolerance" of the body.

Different people have different degrees of tolerance to caffeine, just like drinking some people can't drink a thousand cups, some people can't drink too much. However, the cause of drunkenness is alcohol, and the real culprit of drunk coffee is caffeine. When the intake of caffeine exceeds the tolerance of the body, it is easy to "get drunk coffee". The common phenomenon is rapid heartbeat, severe vomiting and so on.

It is reported that coffee is a central nervous stimulant. Coffee can stimulate the central nervous system, promote brain activity and make the mind clearer, but it can also stimulate the sympathetic nerve, stimulate gastrointestinal secretion of gastric acid, promote digestion and defecation.

Scientifically speaking, in the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, coffee is an irritating drink, which is easy to cause damp-heat constitution. Some people feel uncomfortable as soon as they drink coffee, which is also known as "coffee drunkenness". In fact, it is coffee poisoning or caffeine sensitivity, and it is a physical problem that is easy to be sensitive to coffee. People with damp-hot constitution of spleen and stomach tend to have too much stomach acid, and drinking coffee is more exciting. Gastroesophageal reflux is easy to occur.

Therefore, if it is really caffeine intolerant friends, or pay attention to the consumption of drinks with caffeine content.