Coffee review

Bali coffee Bali single producing area coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Bali Coffee Bali Coffee Coffee growing area: Asia / Pacific Coffee species: full-bodied Coffee description: this coffee from the single producing area of Bali is full-bodied with subtle herbal and dark chocolate flavours. Processing method: washing with taste: herbs, spices, chocolate this is Starbucks' first coffee bean from a single producing area in Bali. Bali

Bali coffee

Bali Coffee Coffee growing area: Asia / Pacific

Coffee type: full-bodied

Coffee description: this coffee from the single producing area of Bali is full-bodied with subtle herbal and dark chocolate flavors.

Processing method: washing method

Taste match: herbs, spices, chocolate

This is Starbucks' first coffee bean from a single producing area in Bali. Bali, a true tropical paradise and tourist destination, is a special area surrounded by active volcanoes in the north and northwest, and is also home to high-quality Arabica coffee beans. We found this amazing coffee, baked it and presented it to you. It is rich and mellow, with a hint of herbal fragrance and thick dark chocolate, just like the feeling of Bali, fresh and intoxicating.