Coffee review

The principle and method of milk foaming in the knowledge of coffee flower drawing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The basic principle of milk foaming is to use steam to hit the milk, so that the liquid milk into the air, using the surface tension of milk protein around to form a lot of small foam, so that the liquid milk volume expansion, into a foam-like milk bubble.

a. Why use foamed milk?

The basic principle of milk foaming is to use steam to hit the milk, so that the liquid milk into the air, using the surface tension of milk protein around to form a lot of small foam, so that the liquid milk volume expansion, into a foam-like milk bubble. In the process of foaming, lactose dissolves in milk because of the increase in temperature, and uses the role of foaming to seal lactose in milk bubbles, while the function of milk fat is to make these small foams form a stable state, so that when these milk bubbles are drunk, the fine foam will burst in the mouth, so that the taste and aromatic substances have a better magnifying effect, so that the milk produces sweet and thick taste and taste. And in the fusion with coffee, the adhesion between the molecules will be relatively strong, so that the special properties of coffee and milk are highlighted respectively, and completely fused together to complement each other.

b. Make dense and meticulous milk foam

When we make good milk foam tissue, there are many different ways, but they all include two stages: the first stage is to get rid of, that is, to put in steam to make the volume of milk foaming, and the second stage is to make foamy milk, which involves the foaming milk into the air in a whirlpool way, and breaks down the larger milk bubbles and decomposes them into small foams. And let the milk molecules have the role of bonding, so that the foam tissue becomes more dense.

There are many ways of foaming milk on the market, but they are roughly divided into two categories: one is the combination of milk and milk foam, and the other is to separate the stages of milk foam and milk foam. that is, first beat the milk and then beat the milk foam. The milk bubble tissue formed by these two ways is different from the taste. In the first way, the milk bubble tissue will be more delicate and soft, but the texture of the milk bubble will be thinner and less likely to produce dense and elastic milk bubble tissue. But the round shape of the flower is easier to form. The second way is to send the milk first and then the milk foam. The milk foam tissue produced in this way has a high degree of silk, which can produce QQ elastic milk foam, but it is easier to produce thicker milk foam tissue in the passing stage, and it will be more difficult to make the pattern of pull flowers, but the taste of the brewed coffee will be more dense.

Six factors affecting milk bubbles

a. Milk temperature: milk temperature is a very important factor when dispelling milk. When the storage temperature of milk increases by 2 ℃, the shelf life of milk will be reduced by half, and the higher the temperature, the more milk fat will decompose and the lower the degree of foaming. When the milk is foaming, the lower the initial temperature is, the more complete and uniform the protein denaturation is, and the higher the degree of foaming is. In addition, it should be noted that the best storage temperature of milk is about 4 ℃.

b. Milk fat: generally speaking, the higher the composition of milk fat, the denser the tissue of milk bubbles, but the proportion of milk bubbles will be less, so, if all use full-fat milk with high milk fat, the milk foam tissue may not be the best state. Excessive addition of some foamed ice milk, milk foam tissue and the amount of milk bubbles, will be more and dense taste.

c. Steam pipe form: the outgassing mode of the steam pipe is mainly divided into two types: the transverse type and the centralized type. Different forms of steam pipe, the outgassing intensity and outgassing volume will be different, coupled with the change of the position of the outlet hole and the number of holes, it will cause the difference between the angle and the way when milking. On the other hand, the expanded steam pipe should not be too close to the edge of the steel cup to avoid turbulence, while the centralized steam pipe should pay more attention to the control of the angle, otherwise it is easy not to produce good foam tissue.

d. Steam size: the greater the amount of steam, the faster the speed of milk, but relatively easy to have thicker milk bubbles, large steam way, but also more suitable for larger steel cups, too small steel cups are easy to produce turbulence phenomenon. The small amount of steam pipe, milk foaming effect is poor, but the advantage is not easy to produce thick bubbles, play for a long time, the overall control will be easier.

e. Steam dryness: the higher the dryness of the steam, the lower the water content, and the milk bubbles will be denser and less moisture, so the dryness of the steam is better.

f. The size of the steel cup shape: the size of the steel cup is related to the type of coffee drink to be brewed, the larger the cup, the bigger the steel cup. Generally speaking, the pig cappuccino uses the steel cup with 600ml capacity, while the latte coffee uses the steel cup with 1000ml capacity. Use the correct steel cup capacity to produce well-organized milk bubbles. As it is the way of making coffee flowers, the shapes of steel cups are mainly sharp-mouthed, while different sharp-beaked steel cups need to rely on their own more practice.