Coffee review

Characteristics of Mexican Coffee beans Flavor characteristics of Mexican Yizoran coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although Mexican coffee beans are grown at low latitudes, only less than 40% of coffee beans are grown at high elevations, most of them on flat land, so even though most of the coffee beans are Arabica, commercial beans still account for the majority of production. Note: the distinction of fine coffee lies in the cup score rather than the variety, but most fine coffee is Arabica variety.

The growing environment of coffee beans in Mexico

Although located at low latitudes, only less than 40% of coffee beans are grown at high altitudes, most of them on flat land, so even though most coffee varieties are Arabica, commercial beans still account for the majority of production.

Note: the difference between boutique coffee lies in cup score rather than variety, except that most boutique coffee is Arabica variety, while most commercial beans are Robusta varieties, but also boutique Robusta and many Arabica commercial beans.

Mexico's coffee beans are concentrated in several provinces: Oaxaca, Kotpeck, Chiapas and Veracruz (Oaxaca, Coatepec, and Chiapas, Veracruz). Although most of them are commercial beans, there are also many small farmers who produce high-quality coffee beans, such as micro-batches of coffee beans in Ixhuatl á n producing areas.

Mexican coffee beans are mainly bourbon.

We often see Bourbon in the introduction of boutique coffee, such as red bourbon, pink bourbon, orange bourbon and so on, but most of the bourbon in Mexico is the bourbon of commercial beans, and only a few producing areas produce high-quality high-quality bourbon beans. In addition to bourbon, there are Kaddura coffee beans (Caturra) and Maragogype (a variety of Arabica). In addition, they like to wash coffee beans best.

Mexican coffee beans are famous for their refreshing, sour taste, with sweet, nutty, chocolate and white wine flavors.

Characteristics of coffee beans in Yizo blue producing area

Ixhuatlan del Caf é, located in the northern part of the state of Veracruz, mainly grows corn, coffee and fruit. The annual rainfall is about 4500 mm. The warm and rainy climate makes the coffee flavor unique. The coffee harvest time is 11-4 months, while the San Tuareo team is constantly digging up high-quality coffee beans with characteristics among local small farmers.

The coffee cherry is washed and soaked in water for 3 hours, then the coffee cherry is rolled into a blue plastic cloth and fermented in the anaerobic sun for 72 hours, so that the flavor of the coffee cherry is fully developed. after that, the coffee cherry is spread on the African shelf of the greenhouse, which is turned every 1-2 hours. the greenhouse will also be ventilated by a fan for about 26 days, when the moisture content of coffee beans is reduced to 10%. The coffee beans will be exported quietly.

Mexican Izzo blue micro-batch F1 anaerobic sun-cured coffee beans

■ countries: Mexico

■ producing area: Ixhuatlan, Veracruz

■ altitude: 1450 m

■ treatment: anaerobic solarization

■ level: SHG

■ variety: F1

■ flavor description: raspberry jam, wine, dried fruit, caramel, Body round, long finish