Coffee review

How to distinguish the roasting degree of coffee? Light roast coffee and medium roast coffee bitter? Deep roast coffee good to drink

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The degree of roasting depends on the color of the coffee: light, medium or dark, although this is not the most accurate way to judge roasting, some coffees naturally darker or lighter than others, but this is still the most convenient way to judge roasting. When you shop for coffee, you expect coffee of different roasting strengths to have their own characteristics. Light roast best preserves the original characteristics of coffee beans

The degree to which coffee is roasted depends on the color of its appearance: light, medium or dark, although this is not the most accurate way to judge the degree of roasting. Some coffees are naturally darker or lighter than others, but it is still the most convenient way to judge the degree of roasting. When buying coffee, you will expect different roasting degrees of coffee to have their own characteristics.

Shallow roasting can best retain the original characteristics of coffee beans.

Light roasting has a light brown and brown appearance and the roasted beans have less oil, making it the most acidic and brightest coffee of all roasting degrees.

On the other hand, the coffee grown in different regions can best show the quality of the coffee, and most of them taste the original flavor of the coffee, which is the reason why the cup test is often tested with shallow roasted beans.

Medium baked with balanced acid and alcohol thickness

Medium roasted coffee has a darker brown appearance than light roasted coffee, and the fat of the coffee may also be visible on the surface. This roasted coffee not only leads to the coffee flavor and aroma, but also balances the acidity and alcohol thickness, and can also taste the original flavor of the coffee, but the distinct acidity of the coffee will be replaced by the full alcohol thickness because of the roasting process.

Deep baking shows full mellow thickness and strong flavor.

Dark roasting has a dark brown or even close to black appearance, showing a chocolate-like flavor, you can see the coffee oil in the appearance.

The appearance of deep-roasted coffee is rich in oil

When you taste deep-roasted coffee, you can almost only drink the flavor produced during baking, and the distinct acidity of coffee when it is lightly roasted will be replaced by the thickness of deep-roasted alcohol. After deep roasting, the original flavor of coffee almost disappears, and it is difficult for you to drink the regional flavor of coffee or the flavor characteristics of batch processing in deep-roasted coffee.

Everyone's preference for roasting is very different, and different roasting degrees show different characteristics of coffee, and knowing these can help you better understand the different properties of coffee, whether you prefer light / medium / deep roasting.

You can try different kinds of coffee with different roasting degrees, and only after trying can you know what your favorite roasted coffee is!