Coffee review

What are the key points to pay attention to when buying hand-made coffee utensils? Teach you how to buy coffee utensils to protect against lightning

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What are the key points to pay attention to when buying hand-made coffee utensils? To master these key points, in addition to avoiding buying unsuitable utensils, make sure you can use the utensils of your choice to flush out your favorite coffee flavor: 1. First of all, make sure you get good quality coffee beans. Even if you spend several minutes making coffee, it won't work well if you use bad coffee to brew it. Find

What are the key points to pay attention to when buying hand-made coffee utensils? To master these key points, in addition to avoiding buying unsuitable utensils, make sure you can use the utensils of your choice to flush out your favorite coffee flavor after buying:

1. First of all, make sure you get good quality coffee beans. Even if you spend several minutes making coffee, it won't work well if you use bad coffee to brew it. Find some coffee beans of good quality and fresh.

two。 If you want to buy a hand bean grinder, make sure that its grinding ability and firmness are what you want. if you buy it just because it looks good, it may not take long to buy it. You'd better buy a hand bean grinder for at least one thousand yuan.

3. If you are using an electric bean grinder, please choose a knife head grinder instead of a blade grinder. Please find a bean grinder that can adjust the grinding thickness, just like the hand grinder, please invest in a better quality bean grinder, so as not to damage the quality of coffee beans because it is out of use. A good bean grinder will help to bring stable coffee brewing results.

4. No matter what kind of hand flushing method you use, you need to be patient to test the cooking method that works best for you. If you are using trickle flushing methods like V60, you can try to see the difference in flavor caused by grinding thickness. In this method, if the ground powder is thicker, the water will pass through the powder layer more quickly, and the shortening of extraction time may lead to insufficient extraction of coffee. Similarly, if it is ground too fine, the water will pass through the powder layer more slowly and the extraction time will be longer, resulting in bitter and unpalatable coffee. The purpose of hand flushing is to find out the sweet spot between the two.

5. Then it is important to write down every detail and parameters of your hand, so as not to make a cup of delicious coffee that will never be able to replicate the same taste. From the grinding thickness, brewing time, water temperature, water volume, coffee consumption, etc., in order to use the same utensils to make the same delicious coffee.

6. Store coffee beans properly so that coffee beans will not accelerate their aging due to poor storage conditions. Just remember not to put coffee beans in the refrigerator, away from heat, light, moisture, oxygen and other conditions.

7. Keep utensils clean, especially bean grinders. Coffee beans have oil, which may affect the taste of coffee because of the oil and powder left during grinding in the past. Some methods or products can help clean your bean grinder, as long as regular maintenance and cleaning can make the coffee flavor cleaner.

8. If you're not sure how to brew, there are many recipes on the Internet in addition to the advice from the owner who bought the beans, and some APP can also help you make coffee by hand. Keep trying to find a way that works for you!