Coffee review

Guatemala Stonehenge Coffee Bean Introduction Stonehenge Coffee Flavor Features

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Towering in the clouds, there are people outside the stone manor, heaven beyond heaven, a mountain and a mountain. Vivitenango borders Mexico in the north of Guatemala, from the Rocky Mountains of North America all the way to the starting point of the Central American Isthmus. The whole terrain is plateau type, but you can feel the cold atmosphere of warm and cold zone near the equator. Stonehenge is located at the highest point of the plateau terrain, where

A boulder manor towering among the clouds

There are people outside, there is a day outside the sky, there is a mountain and a mountain. Vivette Nanguo borders the Mexican border in northern Guatemala and runs all the way from the Rocky Mountains of North America to the starting point of the Central American isthmus. It is a plateau type as a whole, but the cold atmosphere of the warm and cold zone can be felt near the equator.

Stonehenge Manor is located at the highest point of the plateau, where a boulder protruding from the plateau is like a crown standing on a hill, and this momentum is like the majesty of leading thousands of troops. In the manor area, there are two living mountain springs on the mountain, so the manor is very rich in clean water resources to make the treated beans have a clean and refreshing flavor.

Towering mountains, the micro climate is natural.

Stonehenge Manor / Chimatti was named as the top 5 in COE in 2002, and it has been 16 years since Qiang. We can simply understand that at the beginning of the budding stage of boutique coffee, Stonehenge Manor has the leadership to lead the group in quality. After 16 years of more and more exquisite and demanding boutique coffee, the quality of Stonehenge Manor is still in progress. The reason why it tastes good is that in addition to bringing a micro-climate to the plateau climate, the intensive quality management of the manor brings perfect fruit every day.

Hand-selected x hand-picked x fiery cherry fruit

Stonehenge Manor has been standing here for tens of thousands of years and began to grow coffee half a century ago. Now it is exquisitely processed every year to achieve the pleasant fruit flavor of the cup at hand while bringing out thick cocoa and caramel notes. It is really touching.

Stonehenge Manor Coffee features:

■ altitude: 1900m-2500m

■ varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai

■ cup test flavor: Jasmine aroma, rich warm tropical fruit layers, cantaloupe, mango, honey plum, sweet peach, pear, plum, cocoa, mellow, full-bodied, sweet finish fruit, rich layers.