Coffee review

How to distinguish between new beans, old beans, old beans and old beans of coffee? What's the difference between Chen Dou and Lao Dou?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The roasting date of coffee beans is very important, and the roasting date can be used to determine whether the coffee is in a delicious state or whether it has been stored for too long or improperly stored. But do you know the state of these coffee beans before they are roasted? After the fruit is harvested, coffee will be treated for several weeks, including the procedures of pulp removal, fermentation, drying, hand picking and so on.

The roasting date of coffee beans is very important, and the roasting date can be used to determine whether the coffee is in a delicious state or whether it has been stored for too long or improperly stored.

But do you know the state of these coffee beans before they are roasted?

After the fruit is harvested, the coffee will go through a processing cycle of several weeks, including de-pulp, fermentation, drying, hand-picking and so on, before it goes out of customs and is usually transported by sea because of the high cost of air transportation. When the store or baker gets the raw beans, they must also test the baking degree that is most suitable for the beans. At this time, the state of the raw beans is the fastest and fastest, almost three or four months after harvest.

The freshness of raw beans is very important, which is related to the aroma and taste of the coffee:

New bean (New Crop)

The newly picked coffee beans less than a year old are rich in sugars and tannins, which are the two major elements that affect the taste of coffee, making the flavor of the extract full and fresh.

The new bean has a water content of 12-13% and a dark green appearance.

Old bean (Past Crop)

According to the preservation conditions, there will be sharp quality differences, but most of the chemical changes caused by time, so that the acidity of coffee decreases, aroma dissipates, the whole becomes monotonous and tasteless.

The water content of old beans is 10-11%, and the color is lighter.

Lao Dou (Old Crop)

Such coffee beans are usually like withered grass or rice, with a dry earthy smell and almost no aroma.

The water content of the old bean is 9-10%, the appearance is white, the weight is lighter, and the appearance is less glossy and tactile like the new bean.

High quality aged beans

However, some old stores (such as the well-known amber coffee in Japan) closely monitor the humidity and temperature of the warehouse during the aging process of coffee beans, and turn the raw coffee beans regularly to avoid mildew caused by the difference in dry humidity up and down. The aging process is not to make it lose its flavor, but to create another flavor, and a pleasant flavor.