Coffee review

What is the difference between coffee, cooked beans, comprehensive beans and single beans? single beans or mixed beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee cooked bean noun: single bean / manor bean: roasted cooked bean, if the ingredient comes from a single producing area, it is called by a single treatment method. With the prevalence of boutique coffee in modern times, consumers are no longer satisfied with the so-called "producing areas" for the origin of beans, and people are looking forward to the outstanding performance of the unique planting and treatment methods of the manors (or farms) in the producing areas. So, in the world of boutique coffee

Coffee ripe bean noun explanation:

Single Bean/Manor Bean:

Roasted ripe beans, if the ingredients come from a single origin, a single process called.

In the modern era of specialty coffee, consumers are no longer satisfied with the origin of the ingredients, but are looking forward to the outstanding performance of the unique cultivation and treatment methods of each farm (or farm) in the producing area. Thus, in the world of fine coffee, single-serve beans are almost synonymous with manor beans

Traditionally, individual beans are classified according to country and region. In recent years, with the change of consumer habits, the industry has gradually adopted the method of classifying individual beans according to "flavor".

Mixed beans/formula beans/blended beans:

Coffee beans made by mixing different single beans in different proportions or different roasting degrees. The purpose of mixing is probably to:

1. Stabilize flavor of specific coffee products

2. Suitable for different brewing equipment

3. To match specific flavor beverage preparation needs

4. Consumption of unsellable scrap stock

In the era before the rise of fine coffee (in fact, not long ago, about 2005 AD), purpose 4. was the main reason for mixing beans, so that the mixed beans were simply synonymous with cheap beans and lower beans. Until specialty coffee caught the attention of consumers, roasters began to see blending beans as creative, expressing ideas and adapting the output to different brewing uses. At this point, the work of the "bean blender" gradually evolved, and his work was called "formula beans."