Coffee review

Cold extract coffee production ratio how to use ear bag cold extract bag to make cold extract coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Cold coffee has always been loved by coffee lovers. Cold coffee is easy to make and can be made easily at home and in the office. This time, Qianjie will talk about the proportion of cold extract coffee and introduce three ways of making cold extract coffee. The extraction principle of cold-extracted coffee cold-extracted coffee is produced by slow extraction after mixing coffee powder and ice water in a certain proportion. Cold extraction

Cold coffee has always been loved by coffee lovers. Cold coffee is easy to make and can be made easily at home and in the office. This time, Qianjie will talk about the proportion of cold extract coffee and introduce three ways of making cold extract coffee.

Extraction principle of Cold extraction Coffee

Cold-extracted coffee is produced by slow extraction after mixing coffee powder and ice water in a certain proportion. The coffee produced by cold extraction process has a low sense of acidity, low temperature and long contact with coffee powder, so that only small molecular flavor substances, such as flower and fruit flavor, are extracted, while those with larger molecules, such as smoky flavor, are difficult to extract.

What are the flavor characteristics of cold extract coffee?

Low temperature extraction and long extraction time are the two main characteristics of cold extraction coffee, and they are also the two main differences between cold extraction coffee and high temperature extraction coffee. High temperature extraction coffee is extracted by hot water, the temperature is between 82 and 95 ℃, the time is generally no more than 3 minutes. Cold coffee itself can fully reflect the subtle taste characteristics of coffee, due to the mild acidity, sweet taste, bright taste, soft taste, showing the flavor characteristics of boutique coffee producing areas.

Make a cold-picked trio

[coffee beans are ground and made directly]

Degree of grinding: a degree of grinding that is thicker than that of hand-brewed coffee (65% of standard sieve 20)

Ratio of coffee powder to ice water: 1:10

Preparation utensils: sealed bottle & filter paper / screen

1. Prepare 50g butterfly coffee beans and grind them into a thicker powder (65% of standard sieve 20).

two。 Pour the ground coffee powder into a sealed bottle and add 400ml normal temperature water and 100g hard ice cubes.

3. Close the lid and shake it evenly, put it in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours and slowly extract at low temperature.

4. When the time is up, isolate the coffee grounds with filter paper (filter), and the coffee liquid can be enjoyed immediately or refrigerated within 48 hours.

[making ear bags]

Preparation materials: Qianjie coffee earbag, sealed bottle, ice-water mixture

Powder / water ratio: 1:10 (net content of an earbag for Qianjie coffee is 10g)

1. It is best to prepare a clean sealed container with a lid, tear open the outer packing bag, take out the inner earbag, tear open the opening of the earbag, pour the coffee powder in the earbag directly into the container, and keep the earbag as a filter after extraction.

two。 The powder-water ratio of cold-extracted coffee is 1:10, and the net content of an earbag is 10g, so we are ready to pour 100ml ice water into the container.

3. Close the lid and shake it evenly, put it in the refrigerator and extract it at low temperature for 12-14 hours.

4. (after the extraction is completed) take out the earbag, open the earbag and buckle it on your favorite cup, pour the cold extracted coffee into the earbag and filter the coffee grounds.

[cold extraction package]

Preparation materials: Qianjie coffee cold extract bag, sealed wide-mouth bottle / cup, ice-water mixture

Ratio of powder to water: 1: 1: 10: 1: 1: 6 (net content of a cold extract packet of Qianjie coffee is 10 g)

1. Take out the coffee cold extract bag and pick up the rope.

two。 Put into a cup / bottle, it is recommended to extract at the ratio of 1:10 per packet (10g of a cold extraction package, adding 100g cold water, which is the proportion that can be drunk directly after extraction) or 1:6 of each packet (10g of a cold extraction packet, add 60g cold water, which is the ratio of coffee to other drinks after extraction)

3. Close the lid, shake it, put it in the refrigerator and extract for 8-12 hours, let the coffee powder come into full contact with cold water.

4. After the cold extraction is completed, take out the cold extraction package and enjoy it.