Coffee review

Coffee brewing technique suitable for beginners how to improve the hierarchical sense of coffee by segmented extraction of hand-brewed coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) guided reading segmented extraction is a relatively common brewing method, Qianjie will use three-stage extraction in daily production, in order to enhance the sense of layering of coffee. So which flavors of coffee are extracted by each stage of the three-stage extraction? Why segmented extraction

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)


Segmented extraction is a common brewing technique. Qianjie will adopt three-stage extraction in daily production to enhance the layering of coffee. So what flavor does each of the three stages extract? Why does staged extraction improve coffee layering?

What is three-stage extraction?

Three-stage extraction is simply to divide the whole water injection process into three parts, including the first section of steam-steam. The advantage of three-stage extraction is that it can extract the flavor substances of coffee more fully during extraction, enhance the layering of coffee, and show the flavor of coffee well for most coffee of different origin and different roasting degree.

Why does staged extraction improve coffee layering?

Segmented extraction can make the coffee powder wall at the edge of the filter paper not easy to break through, and segmented water injection also helps to increase the stirring of coffee powder during brewing, and the water injection flow can penetrate the coffee powder to improve the extraction rate.

What coffee flavor does each of the three stages extract?

Front Street uses washed green rosewood beans from Panama Emerald Estate as the brewing object, and separates each extracted coffee liquid separately.

The extraction parameters: V60#01 filter cup, coffee powder 15g, powder-water ratio 1:15, grinding degree 0.85mm sieve sieving rate 75%(about fine sugar thickness), water temperature 90℃.

First stage of filling: preheat all sharing pots and filter cups and moisten filter paper before brewing begins. The first section of the circle type water injection 30g, and then steams for 30 seconds. The coffee flavor extracted from the previous stage: olive, plum, citrus, strong acid, with green feeling.

The second stage of water injection: after 30 seconds of steaming, transfer the filter cup to the next sharing pot, and then start the second stage of circular water injection, the water injection volume is 95g. Coffee flavor extracted in the middle: honey, yellow sugar, caramel, almond, jasmine, tea sense, sweet sense is obvious.

The third stage of water injection: after the second stage of coffee liquid completely drops, transfer to the next sharing pot, and start the third stage of circular water injection, the water injection volume is 100g. Coffee flavor extracted from the back end: woody aroma, Tieguanyin's sweetness, bland.

From the coffee flavor extracted by the three stages of water injection, the purpose of the first stage of steaming is to soak the coffee powder evenly into hot water so that it can be extracted more evenly, and the first stage is the most important step to extract the sour coffee. Because the amount of water injected is small, the extracted coffee concentration is very high, and the flavor is relatively complex and changeable.

The second stage is mainly responsible for extracting the sweetness of coffee. The extracted substances are less, the acidity is not obvious, the concentration is not high, and it is somewhat bland. The third section is mainly to extract the mellow substances of coffee, but it is not obvious in this coffee bean, only the faint woody aroma and the sweet back of Tieguanyin, which is the lowest concentration in the three sections of extraction and the most insipid to drink.

So what flavor does the three-part coffee blend have?

Front Street re-brewed this green label rose summer with three steps. After three coffee liquors are mixed evenly, the flavor becomes very balanced and fresh. Coffee smells of jasmine and citrus. At high temperatures, the palate reveals the bright acidity of lemon, the fragrance of jasmine and the sweetness of honey.

When the temperature of coffee drops slightly, the acidity of lemon becomes more obvious, followed by the fragrance of jasmine and ginger flowers, the sweetness of honey, and the obvious sweetness of Tieguanyin. When the coffee cools completely, the acidity of the lemon drops, and more is the fragrance of flowers and the sweetness of honey.

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