Coffee review

Costa Rican Stonehenge Manor anaerobic heavy Black Honey treatment Coffee Bean Water temperature Grinding degree Powder Water ratio

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Costa Rica Stonehenge Manor Blueberry Coffee Bean production area: Costa Rica Bronka Manor: Stonehenge Manor altitude: 1500-1700m treatment: anaerobic heavy honey treatment varieties: bourbon, Kaduai grade: SHB introduction to coffee beans introduced from Cuba in 1729

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Blueberry coffee beans at Stonehenge Manor, Costa Rica

Producing area: Brenka, Costa Rica

Manor: Stonehenge Manor

Altitude: 1500-1700m

Treatment method: anaerobic heavy honey treatment

Varieties: bourbon, Kaduai

Grade: SHB

Guide reading

After the introduction of coffee beans from Cuba in 1729, Costa Rica became the first country in Central America to grow coffee and the first to grow coffee because of its commercial value. Costa Rica is rich in volcanic soil, coupled with the influence of Pacific currents and monsoons, giving it a unique microclimate.

Costa Rican boutique coffee planting area is located above 1400m. Sufficient precipitation, suitable temperature difference between day and night and weak acid volcanic soil provide excellent conditions for growing coffee.

Brenka producing area

The Brunka producing area is located in the south of Costa Rica and consists of the states of Coto Brus, Buenos Aires and P é rez Zeled ó n. Coffee production in this area accounts for 20 per cent of the total coffee production in Costa Rica and is one of the six socio-economic regions of Costa Rica.

The producing area is 800m-1700m above sea level, with an average temperature of 22 ℃, and there are 4200 coffee-growing areas (including Farm & Manor). The famous Stonehenge Manor is also located in this area.

Stonehenge Manor

Stonehenge Manor is located at an altitude of 1400-1700m above sea level in the Brenka producing area south of Costa Rica. It was named Stonehenge Manor because the aboriginal stone carvings from 200 to 1500 BC were unearthed near the manor, called the Secret Stone Ball. The soil for growing coffee in the manor is a mixture of red mud and plaster, so the coffee beans produced here are not only high in density, but also superior in sweetness.

Coffee variety

Bourbon is a natural variant of the iron pickup. The coffee fruit appears wine red when it is ripe, and the body of the coffee bean is round. Planted in bourbon at high altitude, it usually has a better aroma and bright acidity, and tastes like red wine.

A variety of coffee artificially crossed by Kaddura and New World (Mondu Novo). Kaduai inherits Kaddura's small trees, which do not need shade, are easy to grow and easy to pick. It also has a better ability to resist natural disasters than the New World. It has a good acidity in flavor.

Anaerobic heavy honey treatment

The anaerobic heavy honey treatment first selects the fully mature coffee fruit, then removes the peel and retains the pectin of the pulp and puts it into a sealed barrel to inject carbon dioxide, and the room temperature is controlled at 10-15 ℃ for anaerobic low temperature fermentation. After the end of anaerobic fermentation, it will enter the second stage of honey treatment.

The coffee beans with pulp pectin were anaerobic fermented and dried on a net drying bed at a temperature of not more than 40 ℃. After drying for 8 hours, the coffee fruit will be placed in a greenhouse for 12 hours, a process that lasts for 20 to 25 days. When the moisture content of raw coffee beans reaches 15%, put the raw coffee beans in an inner bag and cover the outside with a cloth bag, and then leave in a cool and ventilated place for a month until the water content of the coffee beans is reduced to 11%.

Qianjie Coffee Baking record

Coffee cup test report on Qianjie

Suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie

Filter cup: V600001

Water temperature: 90 ℃

Powder content: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 screen pass rate 75%)

Qianjie cooking technique: three-stage extraction. Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small flow circle injection to 125 grams, continue to inject water to 225 grams when the water level is about to be exposed, remove the filter cup when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, (time of steaming starts) extraction time is 1: 54 ".

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925