Coffee review

The difference between the flavor and taste characteristics of hand-brewed coffee and cup-brewed coffee. How can coffee taste good?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, How would you describe it when making coffee? Do you want to make coffee or make coffee? Or make coffee, make coffee? Obviously, the history of brewing coffee is the longest, and now, brewing coffee and brewing coffee is the mainstream. What is the difference between flushing and soaking? When we talk about brewing coffee, there are actually two ways of extraction. Brewing mostly refers to extracted coffee in the form of hand brewing.

Guide reading

How do you describe it when making coffee? Do you want to make coffee or make coffee? Or make coffee, make coffee? Obviously, the history of brewing coffee is the longest, and now, brewing coffee and brewing coffee is the mainstream.

What is the difference between "rush" and "bubble"?

When we talk about brewing coffee, there are actually two ways of extraction. "flushing" mostly refers to hand-flushed extracted coffee, which is characterized by the continuous action of "flushing", while coffee is extracted in a trickling mode, similar to the continuous flow of running water into the lake (Picasso metaphor).

As the name implies, making coffee embodies the word "bubble". Brewing coffee refers to soaking coffee powder in water. Within a period of time, water and coffee powder are in a static state, and substances are slowly released by coffee powder. Therefore, it takes longer to make coffee than to make coffee. Making coffee is very similar to making tea. There are also special utensils for making coffee, such as French presses, smart cups and so on.

The difference between "brewing" and "brewing" coffee extraction is that "brewing" coffee is the use of continuous water to wash the coffee powder, and the washed water (coffee liquid) is also discharged at the same time. (it was the college entrance examination, which reminded me of the math problem of Tuhao swimming pool administrator draining water at the same time.)

To "make" coffee is to pour all the water into it at once, and then rely on the mutual infiltration between the water and the coffee powder to extract the coffee substance (to soak the flavor), and finally separate the residue to extract the liquid.

Which is better, brewing coffee or brewing coffee?

In order to make a more direct comparison, we choose the representative V60 hand coffee for "brewing" and the smart cup for "brewing" for these two forms. As for why not choose the French kettle, Qianjie has also thought about this question, but considering whether to compare "flushing" and "bubbling", or to raise the filtration performance to a more objective level.

First of all, we chose blueberries from Stonehenge Manor, Costa Rica, which is in front of the street coffee. This bean is rich in blueberry fruit tone, highly recognizable and excellent for comparison.

In this comparison, we plan to use Stonehenge Manor blueberries to make 3 cups of coffee with the same parameters, as follows:

Hand punching parameters: powder quantity 15g, grindness 20 screen pass rate 80%, powder-water ratio 1:15, water temperature 91 ℃, manipulative three-stage type

Smart cup parameters: powder amount 15g, grinding degree 20 screen pass rate 75%, powder-water ratio 1:15, water temperature 93 ℃, soaking for 4 minutes.

Through tasting, the three cups in the hand-made group showed the sweet smell of rose and blueberry, and were rich in levels. On the other hand, the performance of the three groups of the Smart Cup is more consistent, and the sweetness will be more prominent, but it is not as rich as that of the hand group.

To this end, we also invited a coffee-loving guest to make a cup of coffee by hand and a cup of coffee with a smart cup according to the parameters we provided.

Through tasting, we can clearly tell the difference between this cup of hand-brewed coffee and the first three groups. As for the coffee brewed from the smart cup, it is no different from the first three smart cups. Of course, in the comparison between the two, the taste of "brewing coffee" wins.

In this way, it is not difficult to see that the advantage of "brewing" coffee lies in stability. Whether beginners or experienced baristas, as long as they use the same reasonable parameters, they can make stable and delicious coffee.

The lower limit of "brewing" coffee will be a little high, if you want to make a stable coffee, in addition to the understanding of the parameters, the basic skills of water injection are indispensable. However, the upper limit of "brewing" coffee is also very high. In hand brewing, there is a large amount of space that can be manipulated and there are many patterns of water injection, which creates unlimited possibilities, which is also the reason why many people like to make coffee by hand.