Coffee review

Coffee making mocha pot making method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There is such a coffee appliance in the home of a friend who is a coffee controller. It is a mocha pot. It is very convenient and quick to make coffee. It can make thicker coffee. You can even see some oil when you just make coffee. The following is about the principle of mocha pot making coffee, and some simple methods of operation. 1. It is necessary to clean the utensils.

There is such a coffee appliance in the home of a friend who is a coffee controller. It is a mocha pot. It is very convenient and quick to make coffee. It can make thicker coffee. You can even see some oil when you just make coffee. The following is about the principle of mocha pot making coffee, and some simple methods of operation.

1. It is necessary to clean the utensils, and it is also a good habit to make coffee.

two。 Add water to the kettle and pay attention to the position where the water level is below the relief valve. If you need to get coffee quickly, you can choose hot water or cold water.

3. Wet the special filter paper for the mocha pot and paste it on the filter net of the upper pot.

4. Put the ground coffee powder into the next pot powder cup.

5. Assemble the mocha pot, ignite and start heating.

6. At the beginning of the coffee, turn it into a low heat and continue to heat until you hear the gurgle and turn off the fire.

So you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee made by yourself at home.
