Coffee review

What are the characteristics of coffee filter cups? how to choose a coffee filter cup that suits you?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, As a coffee novice, when you come into contact with hand-brewed coffee, you will find that hand-brewing pots, filter cups and filter paper are very important. If you don't have a sharing pot, you can put it in other containers, but without a filter cup, just like a skillful woman cannot make bricks without rice, you can't filter the coffee powder, which means you can't drink it. Hand-brewed coffee, with the arrival of the third wave of coffee, is getting more and more coffee.

As a coffee novice, when you come into contact with hand-brewed coffee, you will find that hand-brewing pots, filter cups and filter paper are very important. If you don't have a sharing pot, you can put it in other containers, but without a filter cup, just like a skillful woman cannot make bricks without rice, you can't filter the coffee powder, which means you can't drink it.

Hand-brewed coffee, with the arrival of the third wave of coffee, it is sought after by more and more coffee fans, and there are different styles of coffee filter cups on the market. As a novice coffee, in the face of a dazzling array of filter cups, it is also a bit difficult to start. Well, what are the kinds of coffee filter cups? Qianjie Coffee will introduce the following common and commonly used filter cups.

What kind of filter cup should I use to make coffee? Conical filter cup, trapezoidal filter cup, origami filter cup, cake cup.

For coffee brewing, we should first understand the order in which the coffee flavor dissolves, the first is the sour and floral aromas, then the sweet caramel, roasted nuts and thick taste, and finally the bitterness, while the bitterness will mask the sweetness, and the sweetness will mask the sour. After quenching for too long, bitterness covers all the flavors; for medium-time quenching, the thick sweet fragrance is the most, and the meticulous change of the front section of refreshing sour aroma will be less obvious; after quenching for a short time, there will be obvious flower and fruit aroma, sweet and sour and refreshing, but the thick feeling will be reduced. Secondly, it is necessary to know that each filter cup has different effects on the taste of extraction because of its shape, pore and groove collocation. Each filter cup has its own design advantages, basically by controlling the falling speed of water flow, ribs and exhaust.

Tapered filter cup and its characteristics

The representative of the tapered filter cup is the V60 filter cup, which is economical and easy to use. It is probably the most commonly used filter cup in front street coffee stores and front street coffee factories.

The name of the V60 filter cup comes from the cone-shaped design with a 60-degree angle, which guides the water to the center and prolongs the contact time between water and coffee. The bottom large aperture filter design allows you to control the flavor extraction time of coffee by changing the size of the water injection. The spiral ribs (exhaust trough) allow air to be discharged upward from all sides, maximizing the exhaust process of coffee powder. If you like the aroma, sweet and sour taste of flowers and fruits in front of the coffee, you can easily extract it for a short time with this kind of filter cup.

Trapezoidal filter cup and its characteristics

Trapezoidal filter cup is a classic hand filter cup, Kalita, Melita and other brands have this kind of filter cup. In the design, the fan shape is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, the top is oval, the ribs on the cup wall are distributed in a straight line, and the distance between the ribs is the same, in order to increase the speed of exhaust and water flow. Because there are three small round holes at the bottom, the flow rate is relatively slow, so the whole process is a semi-immersion extraction. Because the extraction time is long, please lower the water temperature slightly (try 85-88C). If you still want a little aroma in the front, it is recommended to grind it thicker, or put less powder, or just change to a tapered filter cup.

Origami filter cup and its characteristics

The origami filter cup is popular all over the coffee circle because the beans (du Jianning) are taken to the world cooking competition and win the championship. The unique origami shape and beautiful color have also become a necessary filter cup for coffee control. The cake filter paper can be perfectly fitted, and the powder layer is uniform. The flow rate of extraction is moderate. The flow rate of conical filter paper for origami filter cup is faster, it can be said that manual flushing with origami filter cup, using different filter paper, just combines the flow velocity characteristics of conical filter cup and trapezoidal filter cup, and has high playability. Coffee beans with different flavor characteristics can be easily dealt with.

Cake cups and features

The design of the flat bottom at the bottom of the filter cup makes the coffee powder bed evenly distributed up and down. in the case of the same amount of powder, the powder bed with the flat bottom structure is thinner, the time for water to flow through the coffee powder is shorter, and the flat bottom structure can also make the extraction more uniform. The filter cup has three small filter holes, and the water flow filtration speed is slower, which makes the cake filter cup more inclined to immersion extraction after water injection. The cake filter cup itself does not have a rib (exhaust slot) for exhaust, so the ribs that guide the flow need to be replaced by the crease of the cake filter paper. The cake cup uses the crease of the filter paper to replace the special design of the diversion groove, does not directly stick to the filter cup, reduces the area of direct contact between the filter paper and the filter cup, and creates the largest extraction area.

Qianjie Coffee mentioned these common filter cups, quickly choose to take down a suitable for their own ha, hand-made a cup of coffee, slowly enjoy this quiet and leisurely time!