Coffee review

Coffee variety Daquan bourbon coffee belongs to the tin card variety?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Bourbon coffee is a variety of Tibica coffee, they are all ancient varieties, developed from Arabica, the general bourbon coffee is mainly from green fruit to ripe bright red fruit, that is, we have heard of "red bourbon", the fruit is relatively short.

Bourbon coffee is a variant of Tibica coffee, they are all ancient varieties, developed from Arabica, general bourbon coffee is mainly from green fruit to ripe bright red fruit, that is, we have heard of red bourbon, the fruit is relatively short, round, also known as round bourbon, high density of flesh and seeds, high sweetness and bright acidity! But in addition to red bourbon, there are actually yellow bourbon, as well as orange bourbon and rare pink bourbon.

Red bourbon

Bourbon is bourbon, why is it specially named red bourbon?

In fact, after the original bourbon trees blossom and bear fruit, the fruit color changes from green to light yellow, gradually to slightly orange, and finally to ripe red and more ripe crimson, so it is specially called red bourbon in order to distinguish it from other bourbon species (pink bourbon, yellow bourbon, etc.). On the other hand, bourbon suggests that growing at an altitude of more than 1200 meters, the flavor will be significantly better than the bourbon beans grown below 1000 meters!

Bourbon and Tibica are also listed as ancient and excellent varieties, but bourbon has more vitality and better resistance to rust leaf disease than Tibica, but its flavor is not inferior to Tibica at all.

The most common thing between bourbon and Tibica is that shade trees must be used to block the sun in order to facilitate growth and flavor development. however, sun-exposed planting can be done under the following conditions:

1. The average annual temperature can be between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius.

two。 Planting scenes to the northeast or east

3. Only six hours of sunshine a day

Yellow bourbon

Yellow bourbon is a unique bourbon variety in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, mainly because the mature consequence does not turn red, but appears orange, so it is called yellow bourbon. If Huang Bobang is planted at high altitude, it will have an excellent flavor performance. It has swept the Brazilian "extraordinary Cup" competition for two consecutive years, and almost all of the top three prizes have been won by Huang Bobang, which is popular in the boutique coffee industry! Yellow bourbon flavor, usually with nuts and chocolate, balanced and supple acidity, bitter feeling weak and clean, the whole is very bright and refreshing!

The Brazilian Queen Coffee in the front street coffee bean list is a yellow bourbon variety with a flavor of nuts and creamy peanuts with balanced acidity and fermented fruit aromas.

Pink bourbon

After reading the introduction of red bourbon and yellow bourbon, we can speculate that pink bourbon is named because the ripe fruit is pink! Pink bourbon is a very rare variety bred by the mixture of red bourbon and yellow bourbon.

Why is it so rare?

The main reason is that the yellow gene of yellow bourbon and the red gene of red bourbon are recessive genes, which are easy to interfere with each other, making pink bourbon not easy to produce. In addition, pink bourbon is very similar to immature red bourbon and is not easy to be recognized and mixed together, so the yield is scarce.

Pink bourbon's disease resistance is actually very good, and the taste is also very special, lily aroma and obvious lychee sweetness, very amazing.