Coffee review

Introduction of Coffee utensils and Analysis of hand Pot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, One: Melitta hand brewer Melitta hand coffee maker has a long history and is also a market leader. Coffee lovers all over the world agree that hand-brewing coffee is the best and most convenient way to make coffee. The styling of Melitta's trendy design allows users to easily make a cup of strong coffee and enjoy the most authentic taste of the coffee. Two: Hario hand flushing pot V60

One: Melitta hand punch pot

Melitta hand coffee maker has a long history and is a market leader. Coffee lovers all over the world agree that hand-brewing coffee is the best and most convenient way to make coffee. The styling of Melitta's trendy design allows users to easily make a cup of strong coffee and enjoy the most authentic taste of the coffee.




Two: Hario hand punch pot

The V60 is the company's best-selling hand coffee maker. Use the best quality metal, glass, ceramic to glass to set off the modern and simple design of V60. The large-caliber design allows more room for coffee expansion when hot water is added to the extract. The V60 hand coffee combination includes a V60 hand brewer, measuring spoon, filter paper and a microwave coffee pot, which is most suitable for gifts for coffee fans or for your own use.



Three: Kalita hand punch pot

The Wave series injects a new vitality into the traditional hand coffee industry all over the world. The Wave series comes in two sizes and three materials are available (pottery is only available in large sizes) Wave has a unique flat-bottomed design that reduces the distance between the handcutter and the coffee pot during coffee extraction.



Four: Chemex

Chemex's hand coffee maker series has an elegant design and makes it surprisingly easy to use when making coffee. Chemex has been made in the traditional way of handmade glass since 1941. Immortal design and functions make Chemex continue to have a place in the top 100 designs of modern times. The Chemax handpunch is available in four different sizes, 3, 6, 8 and 10.


