Coffee review

How do novices choose and buy hand-made single black coffee beans coffee silver skin will have an impact on coffee flavor

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee beans after grinding so much silver skin, do not clean it before brewing, this will not affect the flavor of the coffee? Qianjie has noticed that many friends will entangle the silver skin in the coffee powder when making coffee by hand, thinking that the silver skin will wash out the astringent taste and affect the flavor of the coffee. Is that true? So! The barista in front of the street seriously stirred up the coffee silver skin on the left is the coffee in front of the silver skin.

"there are so many silver skins after the coffee beans are ground, they will be boiled without cleaning them. Won't that affect the flavor of the coffee? " Qianjie has noticed that many friends will entangle the silver skin in the coffee powder when making coffee by hand, thinking that the silver skin will wash out the astringent taste and affect the flavor of the coffee. Is that true?


The barista in front of the street seriously stirred up the silver skin of coffee.

On the left is the coffee powder before cleaning the silver skin, and on the right is the coffee powder after cleaning the silver skin. Is the coffee particle on the right looking much more pleasing to the eye? However, goose, Qianjie barista didn't really pick silver skin, so why is there such a big gap? Let's see what it looks like before grinding.

Have you noticed that most of the coffee beans on the left have a white middle line, while the coffee beans on the right can't see the white middle line? This midline is what we often call the silver skin of coffee, and the amount of silver left depends on the treatment of raw coffee beans.

On the left is the Yejia Xuefei coffee beans treated with water. The silver skin of the coffee beans treated with water washing is incomplete in the state of raw beans, and the silver skin is fragmented and shedding during baking, and the silver skin at the seams in the middle of some ripe coffee beans is more difficult to fall off. so form a white middle line. On the right is the Yega Xuefei coffee beans treated by the sun. The silver skin of the coffee beans treated by the sun treatment is relatively intact in the raw bean state, and the whole piece of silver skin falls off completely in the baking process, so the white line will not be formed in the middle of the seams of most sun-treated coffee beans.

Does silver skin really affect the flavor of coffee?

In order to verify whether the silver skin of coffee has an effect on the flavor of coffee, the silver skin of coffee has been washed up in Qianjie. This time, 1g silver coffee skin was used in the front street, using v60 filter cup, 92 degrees Celsius water and three-stage water injection to simulate the brewing state of hand-brewed coffee to see how the flavor was.

The taste of coffee silver skin: the silver skin soup made from 1g coffee silver skin in the front street is golden yellow and clean and transparent, with sweet corn and wheat flavor. There is a hint of sugarcane sweetness in the drink, but there is no bitter / sour taste. One by one, it tastes good. (crooked! The point is wrong! )

So it can be seen that the silver skin soup made from so much coffee silver skin has a little taste of corn and wheat, and the influence of coffee silver skin on coffee flavor is negligible in daily coffee grinding and brewing.

Don't you believe that the silver skin of coffee doesn't have much effect on the flavor of coffee?

This time I really picked out the silver skin of the washed Ye Jia Xuefei.

This time, the coffee beans were washed by the Yega Xuefei Fruit Tintin Cooperative in the front street. One part did not pick the silver skin and the other picked the silver skin to make a comparison. The brewing parameters are: V60 filter cup, 15g coffee powder, 80% pass rate of standard sieve No. 20 (medium and fine grinding), powder-water ratio 1:15, water temperature 91 ℃. Three-stage cooking was used in the front street, the first stage was injected with 30g water for 30 seconds, the second stage was injected with 95g water, and the last stage was injected with 100g water for 2: 10 ".

Unpicked coffee silver skin coffee flavor performance: bright citrus acidity, white flower aroma, honey sweet, the whole bright and clean, the aftertaste of green tea.

Pick out the coffee silver skin coffee flavor performance: bright citrus acidity, white flower aroma, honey sweetness, the whole bright and clean, the aftertaste is a touch of tea.

Through brewing and comparison, the silver skin of coffee really does not have much negative effect on the flavor of coffee. On the contrary, Qianjie noticed that retaining the silver skin of coffee will enhance the sense of tea, and the sense of tea can bring sweetness to everyone and make the coffee show more sweetness, so it is necessary to keep the silver skin of coffee, which can increase the hierarchical sense of coffee.