Coffee review

The basic requirements of baristas

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Barista is a traditional new profession. With the continuous development of society and the increasing prosperity of the catering industry, more and more people begin to work in the coffee industry. However, with the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of economy, the competition among the coffee industry intensifies, and the professional ethics of the food industry is becoming more and more important and urgent at this time, as qualified baristas in the new era.

I. basic professional ethics

As a qualified barista, you must love your country and be loyal to your country. Only by establishing such a belief and putting the interests of the country and the nation in the supreme and great position can we have the basic social professional ethics.

Second, to work

Baristas deal with essential work, it is not easy to do it well and make achievements. Treat barista as a profession, first of all, you should respect her, that is to say, you should love and love the industry first. Because, as far as the profession is concerned, there is no distinction between high and low. If you look down on it and don't like it, how can you talk about respecting your work and loving your post? Now that you have chosen the barista, you should regard it as a career and do it as knowledge, so that you will feel full, have a direction, and your life will be constantly sublimated, and it will be possible to achieve a career.

Third, to customers

As a food producer, baristas should sincerely serve their customers and make every pastry for them attentively. In other words, to treat our customers, only with heartfelt enthusiasm and sincere service can we make the guests feel cordial and happy and achieve satisfaction. Because guests come from all directions, eating habits are also very different, as a barista, as far as possible according to the preferences of guests, to adjust your products, as far as possible to the satisfaction of diners. Only when the customer is satisfied can the enterprise be effective and your work can be recognized by others.

Fourth, to the teacher

The profession of baristas has always been very particular about respect for teachers. There is a saying that "one day as a teacher, life as a father." Although this sentence is simple, it bluntly illustrates how the apprentice should treat the teacher. Personally, I think we should first respect teachers and learn with an open mind. Because baristas are mostly taught by teachers hand-in-hand, only by respecting teachers and learning modestly, teachers are willing to take the initiative and teach what they have learned to you from the heart. Secondly, during the study with the teacher, you must not be lazy or clever. If you only want to gain and do not want to lose, then you will not be able to learn the essence of the teacher, nor can you achieve much. I personally think: as students, we should know that "one day as a teacher, life as a father" truth, should respect, should thank, should return to the teacher.

5. To colleagues

Any barista has colleagues. The quality of getting along with colleagues will directly affect the development of enterprises or individuals. So how do you get along with your colleagues? I think: we should unite and help each other. As the saying goes: "three people walk, there must be my teacher." Everyone has his own advantages, especially as a barista. It is impossible for a person to have all the skills, and it is impossible for you to complete all the work of the West Point Store. We must cooperate with each other in order to complete the tasks and targets assigned by our superiors. Therefore, we must be United and friendly to our colleagues and learn from each other. Only in this way can we develop together and make progress together.

VI. For study

As we all know, being a professional barista depends on skill. Technology is the craft of baristas. The quality of craftsmanship is an important symbol to determine whether a person can become a famous teacher or master. So how do you treat your skills as a professional barista? I think: first of all, we should have solid basic skills. If the basic skills are not solid, it is impossible to make coffee with excellent aroma, taste and shape. Therefore, as a modern barista to improve the level of basic skills is very important; secondly, we should have certain cultural knowledge. The rapid development of modern society has put forward higher requirements for the traditional coffee industry. Without certain cultural knowledge, it is impossible to use modern media to quickly supplement knowledge. It can also be said that without cultural knowledge, it will be eliminated by the society. Therefore, as a modern barista, we should not only learn technology from teachers, but also learn more cultural knowledge; thirdly, we should have a strong sense of innovation. No matter how good a cup of coffee is, it can only be adapted to that time. If it remains unchanged for a long time, it will inevitably make people bored, thus affecting the development of enterprises. Because now the catering industry has changed from the traditional "seller's market" to the "buyer's market", from the food decision in the past to the present customer decision on food, which has fundamentally changed. Then baristas in our new era are required to carry out bold reforms and innovations in raw materials, processing technology, taste, shape, color and other aspects. Only by having the ideas that dare to innovate can technology progress. Therefore, innovation is the life of baristas, development is the real truth; finally, we should have a certain commercial quality. The so-called concept of numbers. Can baristas master all kinds of data in their daily work? Such as occupancy rate, gross profit margin, cost, business status and so on. In my opinion, a barista who doesn't understand numbers is just a "machine" with a simple job. This may not sound pleasing to the ear, but it makes sense to think about it. Because, as a modern barista, especially a self-employed barista, if you don't understand or can't keep abreast of the changes in these numbers, how do you prepare raw materials, how do you control costs, and how do you create profits for the enterprise? Therefore, baristas who do not have commercial quality are unqualified baristas.

7. To yourself

Be honest with yourself first. Whether it is an enterprise or an individual, once you cheat on society or others, you will be disgusted by others and will not want to deal with you, and you will lose a lot of good development opportunities. Secondly, we should work hard and be strict with ourselves. Because any successful person is not plain sailing, they have to eat the suffering that others cannot bear, suffer the anger that others cannot bear, and do the work that others cannot do. Only if they give more than others, will they gain more. Everyone has to make demands on themselves every day, even if they make a little progress, over time, they will eventually make achievements and achievements. In addition, we should strengthen our self-cultivation in terms of character and professional ethics, and be a "three-good barista" with good technology, good moral character and good innovation. Now that we have chosen this industry, we should work hard to treat it, develop it with practical actions, and cherish it with a serious working attitude. I believe that through our own efforts, we will be able to create our own brilliant tomorrow!