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Pictures and names of all kinds of tea Daquan Earl black tea which brand is the best name comes from the story

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The naming of tea has always been problematic, especially in thousands of tea regions and subregions, there are so many different naming methods. In the naming of wine, you can see the name of the region or grape variety, or both. On this basis, you can know very well what kind of wine you want to drink. The name of the vineyard is the ultimate symbol of quality assurance. Some vineyards

The naming of tea has always been problematic, especially in thousands of tea regions and subregions, there are so many different naming methods.

In the naming of wine, you can see the name of the region or grape variety, or both. On this basis, you can know very well what kind of wine you want to drink. The name of the vineyard is the ultimate symbol of quality assurance. Some vineyards are so famous for producing certain wines that their names become the names of wines. In addition, there are not many irregularities in the naming of wine.

This systematic approach makes it easier for the market to understand the product and the meaning behind the brand label.

In tea, this simplicity does not exist.

As far as we know, the name of tea is formed in the following common ways:

Variety name

A kind of tea can be named after its variety, such as Aijiao Wulong, Huangzhixiang, cinnamon and so on.

According to appearance

Some names are based on the shape of the processed tea, such as White Peony, Biluochun, Jinlong and so on.

Plucking shape description

Similarly, the name of tea may be a description of the appearance of picking, such as melon peel (meaning melon seed, describing the shape of green leaves), Maofeng (meaning fluffy tip, referring to fluffy leaf branches), purple ear (meaning purple branch), etc.

Modified product form

The appearance of the product can be changed obviously from the shape of the leaves. The name of the modified form is sometimes used as the product name. Such as matcha, brick tea, tuo tea and so on.

Production process

The production process or sub-product name of tea can also be the name of a kind of tea, such as fried tea (steamed tea), Kungfu Tea (formerly translated as Gongfu tea, but now almost all western brands are misused), white tea, etc.

Production condition

Specific production conditions related to the final quality of the product are used in the names of some teas to gain a certain reputation. For example: tea trees (tea growing in shade), single bushes (harvested by single shrubs), salt tea (tea on cliffs), etc.

Area name

Also use local names, such as Pu'er, Dongding, Darjeeling, etc.

A graded name

Although the classification name is limited, it has a strong influence in the market, such as Orange Bai Hao, Royal Golden Tip, gunpowder and so on. Hierarchical terminology is essential in business-to-business trade, especially for mass market products, including labels such as STGFOP, Zhu 1401, etc.

History and legends

Names related to the history of tea, whether true stories or fables, are very popular: Earl Grey, Monkey Peach, Dahongpao, etc.

The name of the marketing

Pure marketing name, from the past to the newly invented. Such as sweet dew, oriental beauty, English breakfast and so on.

Add flavor / fragrance

When a kind of tea is added with flavor or aroma, its name is also changed to reflect this. Such as jasmine pearl, milk oolong tea, chrysanthemum Pu'er tea and so on.

The name of the group

Any of the above can be combined into a surname. Land domain name, Huangshan Maofeng, Xihu Longjing Tea, Qimen snail and so on. When using production conditions as qualifiers, we can see Darjeeling spring picking, hand-roasted Biluochun, rock tea daffodils and so on.