Coffee review

The difference between Arabica beans and Robusta beans 11 differences between Arabica and Robusta

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What's the difference between the two heavyweights in the coffee world? Let's make a comparison between Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee, which originated in the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia, is the most popular coffee species in the world, accounting for 60% or more of the world's coffee production. Second only to Arabica coffee is Robusta coffee, which is made of coffee bean plants.

What's the difference between two heavyweights in the coffee world? Let's do a little Arabica versus Robusta coffee comparison. Arabica coffee originated in the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia and is the most popular coffee variety in the world-accounting for 60% or more of the world's coffee production.

Next in popularity to Arabica coffee is Robusta coffee, which is made from coffee beans of the coffee bean plant.

Arabica coffee has less caffeine than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee has 1.5% caffeine, while Robusta coffee has 2.7% caffeine. For people worried about the negative effects of too much caffeine, this may be a consideration. In their case, Arabica coffee would be the better option. Caffeine also has a bitter taste-which makes Arabica coffee less bitter than Robusta coffee.

Arabica coffee contains more sugar than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee contains almost twice as much sugar as Robusta coffee. Most people prefer sweet to bitter, which may be responsible for the difference in popularity.

Arabica coffee contains more lipids than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee contains about 60% more lipids (fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins, hormones...).

Arabica coffee is more acidic than Robusta coffee. It's like the acidity that makes wine taste good. It adds fruit, chocolate and nutty flavors to Arabica coffee. Robusta is of lower quality and therefore has a woody or burnt rubber smell.

Arabica is more popular than Robusta. Arabica coffee accounts for 60%-75% or more of global coffee production. Robusta accounts for another 40 percent or less.

Arabica coffee tastes more pleasant than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is described as rich in chocolate, nuts, fruits and berries. Blue Mountain coffee is the epitome of Arabica. Robusta, on the other hand, tastes bitter, earthy and rubbery.

Arabica coffee is more expensive than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is harder to grow because it is very sensitive to the environment and yields less per hectare than Robusta coffee. It also tastes better, which makes demand higher. So it's more expensive than robusta.

Arabi is more vulnerable than Cabo Robusta. Arabica coffee prefers a consistent climate (without drastic changes) and temperatures between 15 and 24°C (59 to 75°F), while Robusta coffee can handle higher temperatures of 18°-36 ° C (64-97°F) and harsher climate changes. Arabica coffee prefers humid climates to Robusta coffee, which can handle more direct sunlight and more intense rainfall variations. Arabica coffee is usually grown at higher altitudes and takes longer to mature, which increases its flavor. It is also more vulnerable to pest damage than Robusta.

Arabica coffee beans differ in shape and color from Robusta coffee beans. Arabica beans are slightly larger and oval in shape, while Robusta beans are more rounded. Raw Arabica beans are also lighter in color than Robusta beans.

Arabica coffee is produced less annually than Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee plants produce less per hectare per year than Robusta coffee plants. This makes Arabica coffee more expensive to grow than its rivals.

Arabica coffee beans smell different from robusta coffee beans. Arabica beans smell a bit like blueberries before roasting, and Robusta beans smell a bit like peanuts.