Coffee review

Ethiopian coffee bean grade introduction, why Ethiopian coffee beans are of different sizes?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why do people usually buy Ethiopian coffee beans of different sizes? Even if it is the highest G1 coffee bean. Today I would like to explain to you why Ethiopian coffee beans are of different sizes. This involves Ethiopian coffee beans, and his grading has nothing to do with the size of coffee beans.

Why do people usually buy Ethiopian coffee beans of different sizes? Even if it is the highest G1 coffee bean.

Today I would like to explain to you why Ethiopian coffee beans are of different sizes.

This involves the classification of coffee beans in Ethiopia, which has nothing to do with the size of coffee beans, but only related to the defect rate of coffee and its cup test score. This is customized by the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture to grade coffee raw beans according to the number of defective beans in 300g. The classification criteria are shown in the table below. General washing treatment is G1-G2, due to the technical problems of sun treatment at that time, the number of defects of raw sun beans is relatively large, generally G3-G5, with the improvement of sun treatment technology, now the sun beans can also reach the G1-G2 level.


The first is its defect rate.


Number of defective beans (per 300g)

Grade1 ≤ 3

Grade2 4-12

Grade3 13-25

Grade4 26-45

Grade5 46-90

Physical characteristics account for 40% (40%) of the total score:

Washing treatment: number of defects (20%), appearance size (10%), color (5%), smell (5%)

Non-washing treatment: number of defects (30%), odor (10%)


Washing / non-washing fraction

Grade1 91-100

Grade2 81-90

Grade3 71-80

Grade4 63-70

Grade5 58-62

Grade6 50-70

Grade7 40-49

Grade8 31-39

Grade9 20-30

The mass fraction of cup test accounts for 60% of the total score.

Then the G1-G3 was tested again according to the SCAA standard, and its flavor properties were evaluated in more detail, and the G1 and G2 were rated as Q1 for no less than 85, Q2 for G1 and G2 G3 between 80 and 85, and G3 for all G1Magi G2 G3 below 80.

Q1 and Q2 are classified as boutique grade exports. G4-G9 remains unchanged and is classified as commercial grade export together with G3.
