Coffee review

How do you make iced American coffee? Teach you to make coffee that can help you keep fit and lose weight. why can coffee help reduce fat and swelling?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The weather is getting hotter and hotter, iced coffee has become the most popular item in cafes. Today, we will teach you how to make iced American coffee. What is American coffee? American coffee, known as Americano in English, is traditionally a black coffee made by using a drip filter coffee pot, because it usually takes a relatively long time to extract (about four to four.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, iced coffee has become the most popular item in cafes. Today, we will teach you how to make iced American coffee.

What is American coffee?

American coffee, known as Americano in English, is traditionally black coffee made from a drip coffee pot. Because the extraction time is relatively long (about four to five minutes), the caffeine content is high.

American coffee is easy to make, convenient and fast, free and casual. Compared with Italian coffee, American coffee mouth is more refreshing and can restore the original taste of coffee beans.

But now the American coffee in the cafe is a little different from the traditional definition. American coffee now has a different way. American coffee is based on espresso "espresso" and mixed with a lot of water to make a cup of essential drink on the menu of each cafe.

How would you like your iced American coffee?

To make iced American coffee, you first need to extract espresso. After extracting espresso, you need to pour ice and water into the cup, and finally pour the espresso into ice water.


Why can coffee help you keep fit? First of all, coffee can be refreshing and improve your sports performance, and secondly, coffee can increase people's metabolism, benefit and reduce fat.

And the calorie of American coffee is very low, almost zero, so there is no burden to drink a cup of American coffee, it is an artifact of fitness and fat reduction, no matter increase muscle or reduce fat, you can have a cup.

Caffeine can promote the metabolism of the body and increase the consumption of heat energy to accelerate fat decomposition. at the same time, caffeine can also accelerate the drainage of the body and remove edema in the face and eyes. Two cups of black coffee without sugar and milk every day can not only remove edema but also have a good effect on weight loss.