Coffee review

How do you choose how to make coffee at home? How to choose the smell of coffee coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to choose "home coffee"? Brewing coffee at home depends on what coffee utensils you use. If it is an espresso machine, it should be equipped with Italian deep-roasted beans with excellent fat and excellent milk flavor. What about making hand-brewed coffee? You can try the flavor of coffee beans from different countries, which are different from each country.

How to choose "home coffee"? Brewing coffee at home depends on what coffee utensils you use. If it is an espresso machine, it should be equipped with Italian deep-roasted beans with excellent fat and excellent milk flavor. What about making hand-brewed coffee? You can try the flavor of coffee beans from different countries, each country has a different flavor, African coffee is sour, Asian coffee is mainly herbal flavor, while American coffee is more balanced, nuts and cocoa are more prominent.

How do you make coffee at home? The simplest way is instant coffee, directly soak it, no utensils want to drink local flavor, just buy hanging ear coffee, you need to drink concentrated coffee can choose, freeze-dry concentrate, add milk can be made into latte, ice is iced latte, you can use a bubble stick to get rid of a hot latte.


How to choose the taste of coffee coffee? First of all, you can choose countries, African coffee with obvious acidity, Asian coffee with herbal spices, American coffee with a good sense of balance, nuts and cocoa. Then there is what flavor, or specific sweet and sour, flavor, just like the same country. There is a difference between the Sidamo producing area of Ethiopia and the Yegashifi producing area. Yega Xuefei has bright acid and obvious flower fragrance. Sidamo coffee is more juicy.
