Coffee review

Coffee theory knowledge: how do beginners learn to make coffee? What are the good coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How do beginners learn to make coffee? There are two basic ways to enter the coffee industry: to study in a training institution or to be an apprentice in a coffee shop. Going to a dedicated coffee training institution is the easiest way for many people to know. Indeed, going to an institution can quickly learn specialized coffee knowledge, but it costs a lot of money.

How do beginners learn to make coffee? There are two basic ways to enter the coffee industry: to study in a training institution or to be an apprentice in a coffee shop. Going to a dedicated coffee training institution is the easiest way for many people to know. Indeed, going to an institution can quickly learn specialized coffee knowledge, but it costs a lot of money. As an apprentice in a coffee shop? The growth of knowledge is very slow, and there are not many coffee shops that allow rookies like A to learn coffee knowledge. after all, coffee shops want to make a profit, and the coffee shops that spend money to cultivate rookies are still few.

How can we get started with coffee?

Coffee training institutions are currently the most scientific way of learning for rookies. It is not that coffee training institutions are so powerful, but that this is an era of paying for knowledge. If you give money, training institutions will do their duty. Of course, it will be easier to learn under the framework of mature coffee knowledge such as SCA.

Can also be self-study, self-study is divided into many kinds, some read their own books, buy their own equipment practice, some go to coffee shops to work, and as lovers go to major coffee shops to learn lessons. Generally speaking, the time cost of self-study will be higher, but the cost will not necessarily be low, and it depends on the quality of the individual. Among them, reading and self-study and buying their own equipment practice, books have a weakness is timeliness, for the frequently changing coffee market, the past coffee knowledge is not necessarily applicable now. Today's developed network can make people know what is going on in the world without going out, but the network information is true or false, how many people can be as clear as a mirror? Another point is that self-study is easy to take detours, it is likely to walk all the way to the dark, in the end, you have to walk again when you find that it is an hutong.

It seems very good to go to the coffee shop to accumulate experience. It is nice to be able to enjoy the coffee atmosphere and learn coffee knowledge. In some coffee shops that pay attention to production and operation, you can learn a lot about coffee brewing and store operation, but it is difficult to learn coffee knowledge other than this. This is still in a good state, and some coffee shops can only let you learn full etiquette.

What are the good coffee beans? The jade estate in Panama is more recommended, with the feeling of flower and fruit tea, or the blue mountains of Jamaica, with a full sense of balance, high sweetness, not sour at all, if you want a little wine flavor, you can try the Honduran wine barrel Shirley.