Coffee review

What's the difference between American coffee and lungo lounge coffee? Description and introduction of flavor and taste characteristics of Lungo corridor structure

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, American coffee and lungo gallery are both Italian black coffee, which are made of espresso and water. But American coffee consists of a conventional extraction of espresso with water in the range of 18 to 30 seconds. On the other hand, lungo extends the extraction time of espresso to about one minute.

American coffee has become everyone's favorite, especially iced American coffee. But have you ever heard of lungo coffee? What kind of coffee is this?

In fact, American coffee and lungo gallery belong to Italian black coffee, which is composed of espresso and water. However, the operating time is different.


Americano American Coffee

Americano is called "American coffee" in Chinese. During World War II, the US military could not get used to drinking extremely strong Espresso in Europe, so they diluted it with water. Therefore, the essence of American coffee is to dilute the concentration of coffee to the concentration suitable for Americans to drink at that time. Later, the Italians immigrated to the United States, and Italian cafes sprang up in the United States, which carried forward the American coffee based on espresso, and expressed the view of diluted espresso in the order of pouring coffee first and then water. Until now, Americano's approach is not too particular about the order, but to retain the difference between grease and dissipated grease.


So what is Lungo coffee? "lungo" means "long, extended" in Italian, and it is obviously defined as an elongated version of espresso. In fact, when it comes to the flavor of espresso, it is really something that has only appeared in recent years. Coffee beans that were generally baked black in the past, looking for flavor from inside is like looking for colorful in black. A good cup of concentration, is the satisfaction of the taste, the concentration of stimulation, after no longer return to the bitter taste, the mouth stay scorched fragrance, that's all.


Lungo is to speed up the flow rate of espresso by changing the scale of the grinder without adding extra water. Lungo is Italian, the corresponding English is "long" and French is "cafe é allong é". In Chinese, it means "long", which refers to a coffee drink made by using twice the normal amount of water through the Espresso coffee mechanism. The main idea of a Lungo is an "elongated Espresso", which must be expressed in Chinese and can be called espresso. Lungo is very popular in Italy, with a single order of about 60~85ml and a double 120~170ml. The reduction in the amount of water in Lungo brings a more mellow taste than Americano. A regular Espresso coffee takes 18 to 30 seconds to extract, with a volume of 25~30ml, extending the extraction time of Espresso to about one minute. The amount of liquid extracted from the coffee is about 50~60ml, and this cup of coffee is called Lungo. Therefore, Lungo is not what we often call Americano, nor is it easy to distinguish between Long Black,Americano and Long Black: the former is "Espresso + water" and the latter is "water + Espresso", and the two are added to the cup in different order. On the other hand, the extraction time of Lungo is nearly doubled, and the volume of the extraction solution is about twice as long as that of Espresso.


Because the extraction time of Lungo coffee is nearly twice as long as that of American coffee, the capacity of Lungo coffee is more than that of Espresso, and the concentration is lower than that of Espresso. Because lungo takes longer to extract, it contains more caffeine, it works better for people who drink coffee simply for caffeine, and because it extends the time and flow on the basis of the concentrated formula, it is less concentrated than espresso and correspondingly softer, and the important thing is that it has a larger portion and is more durable.


Espresso beans are needed to make American coffee, long black coffee and Longo coffee. And espresso is basically blended. Why do you want to match? There are three reasons, price, stability and flavor. These three points are an "impossible triangle", which means that you can't have all three, and you can only give up one for two.


Taking the four Italian coffee beans in the former street as an example, the purpose of blending coffee beans was to stabilize the flavor of coffee at first, just as the boutique coffee beans in front street were made from Colombia and Brazil. Brazil and Colombia are both big coffee producers, and the quality is very stable every year. In addition, the balance of Brazilian coffee beans and the mellowness of Colombian coffee beans give this bean a good performance. Priority is both stability and flavor, mellow taste and nutty notes with slightly fruity flavor, suitable for use in boutique coffee shops.


Qianjie blended beans are: basic matching, boutique matching, commercial matching and sunflower matching. American coffee uses medium and deep roasted beans. Why? Because Qianjie just said that American coffee will have a layer of oil, and whether the fat is beautiful or not or not reflects the good or bad of this cup of American coffee. Medium and deep roasted coffee beans will have more oil. Of course, there are also some individual American coffee (SOE).

Suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie

If you want to make a good cup of coffee, in addition to the variety of coffee, there is also the freshness of coffee beans. Qianjie believes that the freshness of coffee beans is a very important part of brewing. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.


Of course, there are some customers who need help grinding powder in front of the street, which doesn't matter, but Qianjie has to warn: if the coffee beans are ground ahead of time, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so when you receive the coffee powder, you can immediately make a cup of coffee drink. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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