Coffee review

The difference between freshly ground hand-brewed coffee and ear-hanging coffee is which flavor tastes better

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The difference between freshly ground coffee and ear-hanging coffee is from the production, freshly ground coffee refers to coffee made on site, which can be divided into two categories: Italian coffee and black coffee. The ear-hanging coffee is actually one of the methods of making black coffee. It is made for the convenience of people to work and learn to drink a cup of coffee. It has been researched.

The difference between freshly ground coffee and hanging-ear coffee

In terms of production, freshly ground coffee refers to coffee made by on-site grinding, which can be divided into two categories: Italian coffee and black coffee. Hanging-ear coffee is actually one of the methods of making black coffee. It is made to make it easier for people to work and learn to drink a cup of coffee. It puts the ground coffee powder into a filter bag to filter.

In terms of flavor performance, the flavor loss efficiency of freshly ground coffee is lower than that of hanging-ear coffee because it is made by on-site grinding. After brewing, the flavor of freshly ground coffee will be richer.