Coffee review

The type of coffee and its taste coffee variety Daquan coffee beans have the best flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to biology, coffee varieties are divided into three major varieties: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberika. Arabica is one of the best flavor of coffee beans, it is currently recognized as the representative of boutique coffee. Arabica coffee accounts for 70% of the total output of economically grown coffee in the world, which is us.

Coffee varieties are divided into three major varieties: Arabica, Robusta and Liberica.

Arabica is one of the best flavor coffee beans, it is currently recognized as a representative of fine coffee. Arabica coffee accounts for 70%-80% of the world's total economically grown coffee production, which is often referred to as fine coffee beans. It has excellent flavor and acidity, low bitterness, high sweetness, low yield and weak disease resistance. Usually used in espresso and espresso.

Robusta flavor is poor, usually with walnut, smoke, peanut, hazelnut taste, and bitter heavy, but coffee fat rich, pure thickness is high, mainly used to make instant coffee and Italian coffee beans auxiliary blending. Robusta currently accounts for about 20%-30% of the world's total economically grown coffee production. Robusta's fruit yield per coffee tree is the highest, and it has strong environmental adaptability, high temperature tolerance, multiple tolerance, disease resistance and insect resistance.

Liberica, usually called the big coffee bean. Generally grows in the slope of about 200 meters above sea level, does not artificially limit the growth of trees up to 10 meters high, its constitution is very strong low temperature resistance, high temperature resistance, drought resistance, waterlogging resistance, environmental adaptability. But the fruit yield per coffee tree is very low. The flavor is monotonous, the bitterness is high, the skin is thick, the peel pulp is not easy to remove, the processing process is very troublesome, and the commercial economic use is low. It currently accounts for about 5% of the world's total economically grown coffee production.
