Coffee review

Kopi Luwak | the sad story of civet coffee beans _ Why not advocate drinking and boycotting Kopi Luwak now?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kopi Luwak, as the most expensive and famous coffee in the world, is rarely seen in boutique cafes. When you know how Kopi Luwak is made, you can understand and even agree with the cafes' actions. Kopi Luwak is actually the excretion of indigestible coffee beans by civets after eating coffee fruit.

Kopi Luwak, as the most expensive and famous coffee in the world, is rarely seen in boutique cafes. When you know how Kopi Luwak is made, you can understand and even agree with the cafes' actions.

Kopi Luwak is actually a coffee drink in which the civet eats the indigestible coffee beans out of the body, and then is collected and processed by human beings. According to the traditional cognition, the excrement of animals contains a lot of bacteria, germs, etc., which is generally unfit for human consumption. However, it is an exception. These coffee beans are pleasant because they absorb their body odor during fermentation in civets, but wild Kopi Luwak is generally difficult to find because of the secrecy of cat defecation, resulting in scarcity. In order to meet the market demand for civet coffee, farmers adopted the method of artificial breeding, banning the cat ring from feeding every day, causing the civet to die because of malnutrition or mental breakdown.

Therefore, the boutique coffee industry does not advocate drinking Kopi Luwak, first, health problems, feces are unhygienic after all. Second, because the way of breeding is really cruel, in the consciousness of animal protection, it is rejected.