Coffee review

Does cat poop coffee stink? How does Vietnam cat shit coffee come from? Is Vietnamese cat shit coffee real?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Does cat poop coffee stink? I believe everyone is very familiar with cat droppings coffee beans. Generally speaking, the cat droppings coffee we know is made from coffee beans in the feces of civets. After all, it passes through the stomach of civets and comes out together with civets 'feces. It is well known that cat droppings are a very smelly thing, although cat droppings coffee is made from civets.

Does Kopi Luwak stink? I believe everyone is very familiar with cat poop coffee beans. Generally speaking, the Kopi Luwak we are familiar with is made of coffee beans in the feces of civets. After all, it passed through the stomach of civets and came out together with the feces of civets. It is well known that cat poop is a very smelly thing. Although Kopi Luwak has been artificially complex washed, there is no way to completely remove its smell. It still tastes a little smelly. Where did the Vietnamese Kopi Luwak come from? Today, I'm going to tell you about it. In fact, the Kopi Luwak we buy in the market is very expensive. Why is it so cheap in Vietnam? Oh, it turned out to be instant coffee, so the case was solved. This kind of Vietnamese coffee is the same as the previous Blue Mountain flavor coffee, that is, cat shit flavor coffee, which refers to coffee with cat shit flavor, not Kopi Luwak. The real Kopi Luwak is very expensive, and the output is very small, so this kind of Kopi Luwak is mostly fake. Before you buy Kopi Luwak, you must pay attention to whether it is real Kopi Luwak. Or cat shit flavor coffee, there is an essential difference between the two. After I have explained in such detail, you should know how to choose the coffee that suits you. In fact, I suggest you try the boutique coffee beans. Kopi Luwak actually has a very big hype element.