Coffee review

Yunnan Baoshan Coffee Bean Flavor Taste Characteristics Yunnan Iron Card Coffee Bean Taste Introduction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Today, Xiaobian drank a tin card coffee bean from Baoshan, Yunnan Province, named Yunnan Huaguo Mountain. Yunnan is the most famous coffee-producing area in China and a hot topic in the coffee industry. The earliest coffee beans were planted in Yunnan in 1904 when French missionaries brought coffee seeds to Yunnan and planted the first coffee in China.

When we look at Yunnan coffee, the most common word is "small grain coffee", and the early Yunnan small grain coffee is famous for its oldest native variety, the iron pickup. Today, let's come to the front street to talk about the characteristics of iron pickup coffee beans grown in Yunnan.

How did Tieka Coffee come to Yunnan producing areas?

The beginning of the story of Yunnan coffee can be traced back to 1904 when a French missionary brought coffee to Yunnan from abroad and successfully planted the first coffee trees in a place called Zhu Kula. Before the 1980s, the varieties widely cultivated in Yunnan were two ancient small-grain varieties: iron pickup and bourbon. The so-called small seed species refers to the smaller Arabica varieties, compared with Hainan's medium-grain robusta coffee beans.


Iron pickup has a rich and diverse flavor, showing a variety of fruit acidity and delicate taste, is recognized as a high-quality variety, the famous Blue Mountain Coffee and Hawaiian Kona Coffee belong to Iron pickup. In appearance, Ironpika has tall tree shape and good cold resistance, but the yield of single plant is low, and its resistance is poor, so it is easy to be infected with leaf rust, coffee berry disease and nematode disease. Therefore, it needs to invest more manpower management, coupled with the varieties do not have many advantages in the market price, many Yunnan coffee farmers choose to switch to more high-yielding varieties instead of iron trucks.

Although there are mainly Katim varieties in Yunnan at present, there are still some growers who are willing to adhere to the ancient and high-quality varieties of iron pickup in order to pursue a better flavor of coffee. For example, two types of Yunnan coffee on the Qianjie bean list are selected from iron card species. One is Huaguoshan coffee from Baoshan, and the other is Qianjie 2013 coffee.


Iron pickup Coffee from Baoshan, Yunnan Province

Baoshan is one of the earliest coffee producing areas in Yunnan. Lujiangba has the largest coffee growing base in the country and Xinzhai Village, known as "the first Coffee Village in China". The mountains of every household are covered with coffee trees, the courtyard is covered with coffee beans, and the house is fragrant with coffee. Coffee trees flourish in a moisturizing and comfortable environment in a frost-free warm climate all year round. Fertile soil and just the right amount of rainfall bring adequate irrigation to the crops. The environment of good mountains and good water makes the coffee beans here have less flesh and taste sweet.


Every year November to March is the concentrated harvest season, coffee cherries in the mountains have ripened and turned red, we can see busy farming appeared in the mountains to harvest coffee fruit. Most coffee farmers in Yunnan are in difficult conditions and do not have high-priced processing equipment, so the vast majority of Yunnan coffee beans are treated naturally, that is, washing and solarization. Yunnan is rich in fresh water resources, and it is easy to encounter rainy days in the harvest season, so it is more suitable for production by washing, which is the most common way of processing raw beans in Yunnan at present.

The Huaguoshan coffee in Qianjie is washed with water, and the flesh of the coffee is removed by peeling, soaking and fermentation before drying, showing the quiet aroma of the iron pickup coffee bean itself, as well as a round and smooth taste, with rich fruit aromas. Qianjie believes that the cleanliness of washed coffee beans is better and can express the basic flavor and tonality of the producing area, which is also a favorite natural treatment in Qianjie.


Iron pickup Coffee in Lincang, Yunnan

In order to explore more coffee knowledge, Qianjie went to Lincang, Yunnan Province in 2013 to start a chapter on growing coffee. Site selection, seed selection, seedling raising, planting, harvesting, treatment and baking are all arranged by colleagues in Qianjie, from which a lot of relevant experience and knowledge of varieties, altitude and treatment methods are summarized.


The original varieties of coffee grown in Yunnan were the ancient iron pickup and bourbon. Later, Yunnan coffee was affected by global leaf rust, resulting in large-scale death of coffee trees and a substantial reduction in planting area. Later, with the support of major foreign enterprises, Katim, a variety with high yield and disease resistance, was introduced. This has also established the Katim variety to replace the ancient tree species of iron pickup and become the main variety of coffee in Yunnan today. Because the yield of Tieka coffee bean is low, it is easy to get sick, and the cost of management and protection is high, which means that growers need to explore for a longer time, which is why most Yunnan farmers are reluctant to grow it.

Affected by the warm and humid air flow in the Indian Ocean and the southwest monsoon, Lincang, Yunnan is not obviously divided into four seasons, but the dry and rainy season is distinct, Rain Water is more, the sunshine time is long, the frost period is short, some areas are frost-free all the year round, and the three-dimensional climate is obvious, which is very suitable for Arabica coffee growth. so Qianjie specially chose the most primitive iron truck. However, the delicate tin card is also famous for its low yield and poor resistance, so Qianjie has made a lot of efforts in planting management. After 5 or 6 years of cultivation, the first batch of results were finally harvested in the street before 2013, and produced by natural drying in the sun, also named "Qianjie 2020".


The iron pickup coffee fruit planted in the front street will be sun-treated immediately after it is harvested to improve the freshness of the coffee. Qianjie will be screened first, flotation is one of the commonly used screening methods, the screened coffee fruit will be dried in the sun. In front of the street, personnel will be arranged to turn regularly to avoid uneven heating of coffee fruits, resulting in excessive fermentation. When the coffee fruit is dehydrated from bright red to dark purple, reaching the target moisture content, it can be sent to shelling and roasting. The tanned tin card shows a fuller fermented flavor than water washing treatment, with outstanding sweetness, with aromas of caramel, berries and black tea.

Hand-flavored characteristics of Yunnan Tieka Coffee

In roasting, Qianjie believes that the taste of Yunnan coffee should be full-bodied coffee aroma and a certain degree of acidity, so Qianjie will use medium roasting degree. Daily store products, Qianjie is in the form of hand extraction, hoping to show the aroma of the coffee itself for everyone to taste. Hand-made black coffee is not only a daily extraction method produced by baristas in front of the street, but also a way that many coffee makers can easily operate at home.


Qianjie takes into account that Yunnan Tieka coffee tends to have a balanced taste, that is, not to have too much acidity and heavy bitterness. Qianjie tends to use V60 filter cup, which is extracted with medium grinding degree and medium water temperature to highlight the neutralization and balance of Yunnan Tieka coffee beans.

Cooking parameters:

Filter cup: hario v60

Powder content: 15g

Water temperature: 90 degrees Celsius

Degree of grinding: pass rate of No. 20 screen 75%

Gouache ratio: 1:15


Three-stage water injection: wet the powder bed with twice as much water as coffee powder to form a drum and steam for 30s, then fill the small water from the inside to the outer circle to 125g, wait for the powder bed to drop to half of the filter cup, and continue to inject the same fine water into the third section to 225g, until all the coffee liquid has been filtered and remove the filter cup for about 2 minutes.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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